AstroScoops: Unlock the Secrets of the Cosmos
Vedic astrology places a lot of importance on the use of nakshatra. The Nakshatra at the time of birth of an individual is the foundation of the 120-year planetary cycle known as the 'Vimshottari Dasha'. A Nakshatra is divided into four Padas (parts). The Nakshatra in which the Moon is located at the moment of birth is known as 'Janma nakshatra'. There are 27 Nakshatras but there was a more ancient practice in Hindu astronomy when 28 Nakshatras were used as celestial landmarks in the sky. Abhijit nakshatra (28th nakshatra) becomes significant when choosing the time of an auspicious event. Nakshatras are used by astrologers in order to suggest lucky names for newborns. To ascertain which Nakshatra is in place at the time of a person's birth, the Moon's position is checked.
Choose Your Nakshatra
Choose Your Zodiac Sign

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