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tarot cards
tarot cards
judgement tarot card
judgement tarot card

Judgement: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


Having a keen insight into people's character.

Embracing change and transformation that feels timely.

Acknowledging your role in shaping your own life.

Rising to the occasion, showing determination.

Becoming the person you were destined to be.

Realizing your genuine calling.

Responding to a call with a sense of duty.


Carrying a weight.

Exercising questionable judgment.

Falling into a pattern of repeating errors.


The Judgement card signifies a transformative awakening, where individuals are called to rise from their previous state of consciousness. This summons mirrors the biblical imagery of angels sounding trumpets, symbolizing both an apocalyptic and a rebirth process. A white banner carries the connotation of self-sacrifice for one's faith. These military emblems denote authority and spiritual dedication. The scene portrays a trio—a man, a woman, and a child—ascending from the tomb of ego-bound consciousness. This ascent is mirrored on the opposite side of the river, emblematic of the soul's triumph over mortality. Additionally, it aligns with the three pillars of the Tree of Life, with a reversal of the customary feminine-masculine positioning. This inversion prompts a shift in perspective, urging individuals to view situations from a more profound, internal vantage point. The mountains encircling the scene represent the foundational structure that encompasses us all.


The Judgement card is influenced by Pluto, the celestial body associated with profound transformation. Pluto's domain encompasses the subconscious realm and governs all that lies concealed within the depths of our minds. It embodies both conclusions and fresh beginnings. The positioning of Pluto in an individual's astrological chart indicates where they seek truth and deeper understanding. This influence may also give rise to issues surrounding power dynamics and the desire for control. It is crucial to feel a sense of agency in our lives and to pursue our highest calling. When the Judgement card emerges, it signals a quest for change and personal evolution, urging us to embrace our most profound aspirations. Ignoring our shadow side could lead to potentially destructive outcomes.

Upright Judgement Tarot Card Meaning:

The Judgement card signifies embracing accountability for one's actions and life, demonstrating keen judgment of character, discerning the truth, and understanding personal desires. It frequently emerges when a call to leadership, assertiveness, and truth-telling is needed. This card also relates to periods of closure and fresh beginnings. Unlike the Death card, where transformation may feel involuntary, Judgement represents changes that arise from a conscious effort to step into one's true self. Guidance for when the Judgement card appears: When this card manifests, it often indicates a pivotal decision has been made. Trust in your choices and have confidence in your capabilities.

In A Love Reading:

In matters of love, the Judgement card suggests a relationship that was on the brink of ending, but has been revitalized at the eleventh hour. It underscores the importance of cherishing one another. For singles, Judgement implies that love may be discovered through pursuing one's life purpose, as someone will be drawn to your leadership attributes.


In terms of career, the Judgement card points towards roles in recruitment, politics, and management. It suggests that the Seeker is aligning their true calling with their profession. In the realm of business, Judgement may relate to professions like art collecting and dealing.

Yes or No in Tarot:

The Judgement tarot card implies a situation where a decision might not be straightforward. It suggests that courage and determination may be required to turn it into a favorable outcome.


The Judgement tarot card suggests a process of emotional healing after facing past disappointments and setbacks. It indicates that deep-seated emotional triggers, possibly stemming from childhood experiences, may resurface. However, this period offers an opportunity for the Seeker to address and heal these old wounds, paving the way for a fresh start and the capacity to love again. When inquiring about someone's feelings towards you, Judgement may indicate that this person is hesitant to fully embrace love. It may take time for them to open up and form a close connection. At times, you might sense that they are scrutinizing you with caution and testing your boundaries.

Upright Judgement Tarot Card Personality Traits:

A person represented by the Judgement card exudes an intense and ongoing transformation. Associated with Pluto's influence, they embody a passive, receptive energy, balanced regardless of gender identity. This trait plays a significant role in shaping their identity. Their inclination to delve beneath surface appearances is a prominent aspect of who they are. In terms of physical attributes, they exude a sense of sartorial certainty, transcending transient fashion trends. This individual may have reached a point of equilibrium in their style choices. An alluring aura of dark femininity may be evident, captivating to certain individuals. Emotionally, this person exhibits exceptional discernment in evaluating others' character. Possessing an intuitive or even psychic sensibility, they possess a penetrating insight that is difficult to deceive. When this person arrives at a decision, it's typically an outcome of meticulous consideration, based on a comprehensive grasp of the pertinent facts.

In terms of career, Judgement signifies an individual whose judgment or opinions hold considerable weight. Having likely surmounted numerous challenges to reach their current position, they have accrued a wealth of experience. This may be exemplified by roles such as a seasoned legal professional. In personal interactions, a person represented by Judgement imparts a sense of healing and transformation. Their influence encourages a fresh perspective and a deeper understanding of situations. While their energy is associated with the powerful Plutonian force, there's also a touch of Libran lightness. Their direct approach provides a wake-up call born out of genuine concern for the recipient's growth and well-being.

Reversed Judgement Tarot Card:

When the Judgement tarot card appears in reverse, it signifies shouldering burdens and clinging to old patterns, unable to break free from the past. The Seeker may feel haunted by prior experiences, finding it challenging to move forward. There's a sense of being trapped in past mistakes, with limited hope for a brighter future. Their ability to assess others' character may be off the mark in this situation. Instead of taking charge of their own life, external forces may exert control and suppression over them. In the context of property or a house, a reversed Judgement card can suggest an atmosphere of haunting or lingering energies.

Reversed Judgement Tarot Card as Personality:

If Judgement reversed appears as a person in a Tarot reading, it suggests they might grapple with self-doubt and display a tendency towards harsh judgments of others. They may also lack self-awareness, leading to imbalanced perspectives. Reversed cards often project extreme expressions of their energy, so rather than possessing discerning judgment, this person's assessments may be askew, ranging from poor character judgment to unwarranted criticism in areas where they lack expertise. Given this is a Major Arcana card, these characteristics are integral to their identity. People have the capacity for change, whether positive or negative, if they choose to embrace it. In terms of physical traits, a person represented by Judgement reversed may struggle with body image concerns, potentially holding extremely negative views of themselves. They may fall prey to illusions created by digitally altered social media images, causing unnecessary distress if they don't meet these unrealistic standards. Conversely, if they exhibit an inflated self-importance, it may alienate them from others. Additionally, they might unfairly judge others based on appearance, disregarding factors like health, socioeconomic background, or cultural influences. Emotionally, this person might demonstrate a lack of acumen in assessing character. On the flip side, they might harbor intense animosity, fixating on a particular individual, group, or concept for vilification until they select a new target. In such cases, introspective work is essential to address underlying issues and projections.

Concerning careers, Judgement reversed could denote an individual prone to recurrent misjudgments and bewildering lapses in common sense. For instance, they might be a manager who fails to grasp that engaging in a workplace affair constitutes an abuse of authority, likely leading to termination. Given the gravity of Major Arcana cards, their decisions can hold profound implications. If you care about this person, you might feel compelled to intervene or offer guidance. Alternatively, they could be ahead of their time or possess innovative ideas that society isn't yet prepared to embrace, rendering their perspectives or inventions currently impractical for widespread application. In terms of personal interactions, a person represented by Judgement reversed may elicit feelings of protectiveness, hurt, or doubt. You might feel inclined to shield them if you perceive them making unwise decisions or struggling with character assessment. However, it's important to recognize that while you can offer advice, ultimately, their choices remain their responsibility. Alternatively, their criticisms or judgments, which may be unjust or misinformed, could cause you emotional pain. Remember that their perception of you is not your burden to bear. Should you find yourself doubting their assessments, trust your own intuition.