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tarot cards
tarot cards
The Hierophant tarot card
The Hierophant tarot card

The Hierophant: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


Observing established customs, practices, and formal gatherings.

Seeking spiritual counsel and guidance.

Finding stability and organization within your social circle.

Guidance from an instructor or mentor.

Adhering to prescribed guidelines.

Submitting to a leader's authority.

Maintaining trust and belief.

Serving as an example or inspiration.


Engaging in dishonest or unethical behavior.

Displaying insincerity or double standards.

Disregarding established protocols.


The two columns represent stability and support, while the Hierophant, depicted as the pope, embodies organization, institution, and spiritual guidance. In his left hand, he holds a triple scepter, signifying mastery over the realms of matter, emotion, and thought. His three vestments stand for purity, immortality, and ritual. The triple crown signifies the pope's three roles: supreme pastor, teacher, and priest. Three nails protrude from the crown's top, symbolizing Christ's sacrifice and suffering. Below them, a diamond represents the fourfold physical world.

The crossed keys represent authority over binding and releasing. Positioned between the two pillars, the Hierophant creates a third pillar, emblematic of the Tree of Life's three pillars. He imparts a blessing to the Pillar of Severity on the right, while on the Pillar of Mercy on the left, he holds the triple cross of martyrdom. The Hierophant, as the central pillar, serves as the bridge between heaven and earth. Two priests kneel, one clad in a chasuble adorned with roses and the other with lilies, symbolizing the harmony of the physical and spiritual realms. Pay attention to whether the Hierophant blesses other cards in a spread. The influence of Taurus governs the Hierophant.


The influence of Taurus, a fixed sign in the zodiac ruled by Venus, is associated with the material realm, sensuality, and pleasure. Taurus, as the second house in astrology, pertains to wealth, assets, and upholding established rules and codes of behavior for security. It governs resources, professional success, luxury, and prosperous financial ventures. Taurus also fosters a love for indulgence and possessions, while championing the traditions established by religion, culture, and education.

Upright The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning:

The Hierophant in the tarot signifies collective consciousness, religious beliefs, and one's personal belief system. It is also associated with ceremonial practices, established customs, acts of kindness, charity, and providing spiritual guidance. The Hierophant plays a role in aligning individuals with spiritual principles through the imparting of rules and guidance. It can symbolize an institution affiliated with or supported by a religious body, or an organization that upholds steadfast values. Furthermore, the Hierophant emphasizes the importance of service and being of assistance. It encourages acts of mentorship and counseling. This card prompts the seeker to pursue knowledge and discover their unique purpose in the world. The Hierophant aids in the journey of self-discovery, guiding individuals to identify what truly nurtures their soul.

In A Love Reading:

In a romantic context, the Hierophant card signifies a profound commitment, potentially culminating in marriage. For individuals who are single, this card suggests the likelihood of encountering a person who shares their values and belief system.


In a professional reading, the Hierophant indicates occupations within religious institutions, educational settings, and established organizations. When it comes to businesses, it often pertains to enterprises that play a crucial role in sustaining the local economy, particularly in smaller communities or as part of a franchise.

Yes or No in Tarot:

Regarding Yes or No inquiries in Tarot, the Hierophant card conveys a sense of stability, making it more inclined towards a positive affirmation rather than a negative one.


The Hierophant tarot card signifies a love that is not only deep but also grows in strength over time. It speaks of a love that flourishes through the shared journey of spiritual growth. This card often suggests that the seeker may grapple with feelings of inner conflict, as their quest for deeper meaning in life takes precedence over personal relationships. This journey may lead them in a circle, ultimately revealing that their love runs deeper than initially realized. If you're curious about how someone feels about you, the presence of the Hierophant suggests they view you as their guardian angel. They find immense comfort and trust in you, considering you a source of unwavering support. They feel a sense of safety in your presence, and they may confide in you about matters they have not shared with anyone else.

Upright The Hierophant Tarot Card Personality Traits:

If the Hierophant appears in a Tarot spread as a person, it signifies an individual who places significant value on wisdom and their personal belief system. Astrologically linked with Taurus, which is ruled by Venus, a feminine sign, this person carries a passive and receptive energy. While we all possess a balance of both energies, for this individual, their values play a crucial role in shaping their identity. They might not readily reveal this aspect of themselves initially, or even at all, to others or in the early stages of a relationship. Physically, the Hierophant as a person embodies spirituality and places high importance on their values. Their choices often reflect their devotion to spirituality, religion, or dietary preferences, which they may advocate for passionately. Additionally, self-worth is a key aspect of their life, influencing their lifestyle and choices. Their association with Taurus may manifest in a distinctive or pleasing voice, or an overall sense of perpetual calm. Emotionally, the Hierophant person strongly identifies with their belief system or perception of reality, which often forms the central pillar of their life. This outlook significantly impacts their interactions with you and shapes the way they view the world. They possess an affable and approachable demeanor, making even unconventional lifestyles or dietary choices seem accessible. They are not the type to proselytize or aggressively challenge beliefs they may disagree with, as they are judicious in how they allocate their time and energy.

In terms of career, the Hierophant individual may thrive in fields associated with Taurus or the second house. This could encompass roles in education, spiritual practices, financial advisory, or the food and beverage industry. They may excel as advocates for values and self-worth, often drawing from classical training even in more modern or alternative settings. Interacting with the Hierophant in a personal capacity leaves you feeling at ease, even if you have fundamentally different perspectives. They prioritize comfort and are accepting, showing a genuine interest in making everyone feel accommodated. This individual is open-minded and values mutual tolerance. They approach life with an educational and demonstrative spirit, leading by example and embodying the change they wish to see in the world.

Reversed The Hierophant Tarot Card:

When the Hierophant tarot card appears reversed, it signifies a lack of wisdom, a tendency towards foolishness, and a potential for hypocrisy. Rules are present, but there is a dearth of understanding regarding their significance. The ego operates without proper guidance. Within this context, there exists rigidity within the system and its constituents. It may be indicative of an institution that monopolizes information, enabling its leaders to amass wealth while leaving the less privileged in a state of impoverishment. By sequestering knowledge and maintaining ignorance among the populace, individuals remain powerless to effect change and enhance the system. Rather than serving the people and fostering community, the system exploits communities to further personal agendas. Dissenters are marginalized, and there is substantial pressure to conform. On a more individual level, the reversed Hierophant may suggest a decrease in stability. Traditions may wane, and discernible disparities may emerge within married couples.

Reversed The Hierophant Tarot Card as Personality:

The Hierophant reversed is embodied in a person, it indicates an individual who is narrow-minded, self-righteous, and quick to pass judgment. They harbor a belief that somewhere in the world, someone is constantly undermining the sanctity of various aspects of life. This person is outspoken about their convictions, whether through vocal expression or evident disapproval. They tend to disregard personal liberties and individuality, which may account for their own lack of distinctiveness. Given that this is a Major Arcana card, these characteristics are integral to their identity. People, however, have the capacity for change if they so choose. In terms of physical attributes, the reversed Hierophant personifies an individual who fervently upholds their values. For instance, if they follow a particular dietary regimen, they might make a spectacle of their orders in restaurants, aiming to broadcast their lifestyle choices to the entire establishment. Regrettably, they often serve as poor representatives of their chosen way of life, alienating those who choose to live differently. This behavior can cast a negative light on their community, portraying them as zealots. Additionally, they may engage in body-shaming those who deviate from their own lifestyle or appearance. Their attire typically mirrors their beliefs, albeit in an exaggerated manner that may make others uneasy. Emotionally, the reversed Hierophant person is deeply rooted in their values. Influenced by Taurus, which governs the second house associated with food, self-worth, luxury, and values, these aspects play a significant role in their lives. Their inclination toward food discernment might serve as a social crutch, masking potential insecurities or a general sense of low self-esteem. One of the less favorable interpretations of this card in reverse is hypocrisy. A more positive perspective could view them as a free spirit living a bohemian lifestyle, challenging tradition in a constructive and progressive manner rather than in a disrespectful or destructive one.

Concerning career, the reversed Hierophant may be involved in roles such as a spiritualist, nutritionist, or educator. They may strongly adhere to tradition or hold stubborn views about how things should be done. If they are educators, they might prioritize self-promotion over imparting knowledge. Furthermore, they may exhibit an inflated ego, potentially feeling threatened by students who excel beyond them. Critical thinking is not something they appreciate; they prefer to be the most knowledgeable person in the room. In extreme cases, they might even disseminate misleading teachings to maintain their position of authority. Interacting with a person embodying the reversed Hierophant may leave you feeling judged, particularly if your viewpoints differ from theirs. Even when you share their worldview, interactions may still feel uncomfortable. This person may exhibit traits reminiscent of a cult leader, potentially even displaying signs of a god complex. Engaging in meaningful conversation with them can be challenging, as they tend to be obstinate and confrontational, always convinced of their own correctness. They have a tendency to assert their rightness in all matters.