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tarot cards
justice tarot card
justice tarot card

Justice: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


Maintaining equilibrium and ensuring justice.

Embracing the liberating power of truth.

Upholding what is morally correct.

Exercising impartiality in judgment.

Considering multiple perspectives in a situation.

Relying on factual evidence rather than emotional reactions for decision-making.

Taking responsibility for one's actions.

Engaging in legal matters or affairs.




Engaging in unlawful activities.


In the Rider-Waite deck, the woman personifies Athena, the goddess associated with wisdom, courage, justice, and various other domains. Similar to the High Priestess and the Hierophant, she stands between two columns, forming the third. A veil hangs between them, hinting at the promise of a new beginning after justice is served. Her crown in yellow, adorned with a small square, signifies well-structured thinking patterns. The clasp securing her cloak showcases a circle within a square - the square representing order and protection, while the circle signifies unity and equality. The double-edged sword embodies the potential for both positive and negative outcomes. Pointing upward, it illustrates the principle of cause and effect, as well as readiness for action or conflict if necessary. It also signifies responsible decision-making. The sword held in her right hand symbolizes the utilization of the conscious and analytical mind. In her left hand, she holds a scale, symbolizing the pursuit of fair and unbiased judgment. Her posture reflects the integration of intuitive and rational thinking. The intuitive mind perceives, while the rational mind processes and acts accordingly. Justice is aligned with Libra in the Zodiac.


Justice is governed by Libra, a sign ruled by Venus. Libra is often referred to as the 'gateway of closure' because it naturally presides over the seventh house at sunset. However, Justice alone is insufficient to signify conclusions without the presence of other cards indicating a challenging aspect. When coupled with cards like The World (Saturn), The Tower (Mars), Judgement (Pluto), The Hanged Man (Neptune), and The Fool (Uranus), Justice signifies significant endings and transformative experiences. It presides over matters that demand a meticulous equilibrium. Venus, on the other hand, holds sway over themes like marriage, aesthetics, and financial prosperity.

Upright Justice Tarot Card Meaning:

The Justice tarot card encompasses various legal aspects and the spiritual principles of truth and cause and effect. Its presence serves as a reminder to approach situations with fairness and adherence to the law in order to attain the most favorable outcome. It can signify the involvement of a legal case, with surrounding cards providing insights into whether it will yield positive or negative results. Justice emphasizes a rational, fact-based approach rather than one driven by emotional motives. It underscores the influence of societal laws over personal beliefs, prompting the need to navigate this terrain judiciously. This card encourages the belief that outcomes correspond to the effort and dedication invested. It underscores the principle that one reaps what they sow, emphasizing the importance of equitability and integrity. In a reading, Justice signifies that you should afford yourself a just opportunity. There's no reason why you cannot thrive. Your potential for success is on par with anyone else's, and with concerted effort, you will undoubtedly enjoy the benefits. Ultimately, the only hindrance in your path is yourself.

In A Love Reading:

In matters of love, the Justice tarot card suggests a relationship characterized by clear guidelines, where one party may find themselves making more concessions than the other. This dynamic engages both intellect and emotions, creating a stimulating connection. For those who are single, Justice assures that the period of waiting is drawing to a close, emphasizing the importance of not compromising on what you truly deserve.


In a career context, the Justice tarot card points to professions within the realms of law enforcement and legal affairs, as well as roles related to physical fitness. When combined with the World card, it may indicate opportunities in the field of education. If you receive the Justice card in a career reading, it suggests that you may encounter a work environment with strict regulations and guidelines that need to be followed.

Yes or No in Tarot:

The Justice tarot card embodies equilibrium, impartiality, and ethical decision-making. It emphasizes the pursuit of truth, even when it may not be well-received. This card indicates an affirmative response if the situation is characterized by fairness and equity. Justice signifies the most equitable resolution.


Justice signifies a seeker deeply committed to truth, fairness, and equilibrium. In matters of the heart, the seeker approaches love with discernment, setting conditions for their affection. They withhold complete emotional investment until they are confident in their partner's character. When inquiring about someone's feelings towards you, Justice suggests they are inclined towards building a solid friendship before fully opening their heart to you.

Upright Justice Tarot Card Personality Traits:

If Justice appears as a person in a Tarot spread, it signifies an individual with a strong sense of justice and fairness. This trait has always been central to their character. Astrologically linked with Libra, this card embodies an active and assertive energy, present in all individuals to varying degrees, irrespective of their gender. While this aspect may not be immediately evident, it is a defining feature of their identity. In terms of physical attributes, the person represented by Justice is drawn to balance and symmetry. With an association to Libra, a sign known for its appreciation of beauty and guided by Venusian influence, this individual takes pleasure in adorning themselves. They find genuine delight in crafting outfits or looks. Moreover, they thrive in environments that exude beauty, showcasing a natural flair for interior design. Emotionally, this person demonstrates a remarkable equilibrium, with their sense of justice permeating every facet of their life and decision-making process. They prioritize ethical considerations, extending to even the most mundane household purchases. While they ardently advocate for justice, they prefer resolving conflicts through dialogue and diplomacy. Their strength lies in their ability to perceive multiple viewpoints, steering clear of extreme emotional responses.

In terms of career, Justice may signify a role as a mediator, working towards societal equilibrium. This could involve direct involvement in the justice system or advocacy for a cause. They might find purpose in non-profit work or engage in activities that recalibrate balances numerically. Additionally, they could be drawn to professions in beauty, fashion, or design. These individuals may contribute to the creation of beauty or leverage their own natural allure. Some may pursue avenues like modeling or influencing, often with a distinctive aesthetic. Through their platform, they may shed light on causes or social justice issues they hold dear. As a person, the one signified by Justice instills a sense of trust in your interactions. They embody kindness, gentleness, and a calm demeanor, all underpinned by unwavering integrity. While forthright when needed, they deliver tough love with compassion. This individual excels at providing impartial opinions and advice. They are outstanding listeners, recognizing the importance of comprehending diverse perspectives.

Reversed Justice Tarot Card:

When Justice appears reversed in a Tarot reading, it signifies a state of injustice, inequity, and an overall lack of balance. You might be experiencing an excess or deficiency in what you truly require. There could be obstacles hindering the natural flow of fairness and equilibrium. It's possible that vital information is being concealed, or individuals are acting out of selfish motives. Elements crucial for justice, like the scales of balance and the discerning sword, may be absent. This may point to a system that is compromised or corrupt. It's a signal that you're not receiving what you genuinely need, and you might discover that you're on a misguided path, associating with the wrong individuals, and finding yourself in unsuitable situations.

Reversed Justice Tarot Card as Personality:

If Justice reversed manifests in a Tarot reading as a person, it suggests their presence could carry karmic weight in your life. Such individuals often come into our lives as teachers of life lessons. It's crucial to recognize if this person has potentially influenced you in negative ways, particularly in your formative years. Evaluating and unlearning any detrimental teachings or beliefs imparted by them is important. Given that this is a Major Arcana card, these characteristics may significantly define their identity. Remember, people are capable of change, for better or worse. Regarding physical attributes, a person represented by Justice reversed might exploit their physical attractiveness in unjust ways. This could extend to an industry where one's appearance shouldn't be a primary factor. They might engage in inappropriate behavior, disregarding workplace norms. This individual might also display a lack of concern for the ethical aspects of beauty or fashion products. If their profession emphasizes physical appearance, their focus may solely be on aesthetics, potentially sidelining the genuine creative expression that comes from within. Emotionally, this person might exhibit a tendency to prioritize their own interests over doing what's morally right. Empathy may be lacking, and they may struggle to discern appropriate behavior in various contexts. They might unintentionally demonstrate a shallow perspective on physical appearance or place excessive value on superficial aesthetics.

In terms of careers, Justice reversed may excel in situations characterized by imbalance or unfairness. For instance, in the legal field, they might lean toward opportunistic practices. They could thrive within a justice system marked by corruption. This individual might benefit from existing beauty standards that are exclusionary, yet they may not advocate for more inclusive standards. Instead, they might prefer maintaining the current status quo for their own benefit rather than pushing for fairness for those less privileged. They might engage in performative activism for the sake of appearances rather than genuine conviction. Interacting with a person embodying Justice reversed might leave you feeling off-balance or unjustly judged. They may enter your life and disrupt your sense of stability and fairness. If they hold authority over you, you might sense favoritism or perceive unjust treatment. In a romantic relationship with such a person, they may exhibit a lower moral standard, potentially justifying unfaithfulness in convoluted ways, and perhaps even placing blame on you. Their adeptness with words might allow them to find loopholes or argue their way out of situations.