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tarot cards
tarot cards
The Empress Tarot Card
The Empress Tarot Card

The Empress: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


Experience of pregnancy, childbirth, and embracing motherhood.

Nurturing and creative energy within the home environment. 

Intelligence and effective leadership.

Beauty, sensuality, and a sense of abundance and vitality.

Harmonious and fulfilling marital relationship, ultimately leading to happiness.


Neglect, suggesting a lack of attention and care.

Issues of poor health.

Sense of abandonment, where one might feel emotionally or physically disconnected and unsupported.


The Empress, in Rider-Waite tarot deck, is adorned with a crown donning 12 stars, representative of the Zodiac signs. The backdrop of vibrant yellow signifies her intellectual prowess. It reflects the Empress's role as a nurturing and motherly figure. The presence of wheat and pomegranates speaks of abundance. The pomegranates, with their exposed crimson seeds, are emblematic of fertility and sensuality. The opulent surroundings underscore the Empress's deep connection with the earth and her innate fertility. The cascading waterfall embodies a sense of being in the flow of prosperity and joy. In her grasp, the rod symbolizes her creative power. Resting on a lavish cushion, it alludes to her ability to create a beautiful home. The glyph of Venus adorning her heart-shaped shield further emphasizes the Empress's sensual nature.


The Empress card is closely linked with Venus, the celestial body governing matters of the heart, love, nurturing, desire, feminine energy, and relationships. Venus also presides over aspects like beauty, fashion, and artistic expression. Unlike assertive energies, Venus tends to avoid conflict, deferring to its cosmic partner, Mars. In astrology, Venus holds sway over both Taurus, aligned with the Hierophant, and Libra, associated with Justice. Taurus embodies sensuality and materialism, while Libra leans towards refinement and artistic pursuits. When combined with Pisces, guided by Neptune, Venus's influence becomes even more profound, leading to heightened spiritual experiences.

Upright The Empress Tarot Card Meaning:

The Empress card embodies the essence of feminine strength, nurturing qualities, and a strong family orientation. She stands as the symbol of motherhood or a motherly figure, representing abundance, femininity, fertility, and a deep love for the home and family. The Empress exudes a confident sensuality, embracing her own beauty and radiance. She is both creative and nurturing, deeply attuned to her inner emotions. With a penchant for luxury and appreciation of beauty, this card encourages you to take action on your plans. It signifies a time of great attraction and abundance. It's an incredibly auspicious card for endeavors such as conceiving a child, initiating a business or project, creating a home, embarking on renovations, seeking a partner, cultivating relationships, and engaging in artistic pursuits.

In A Love Reading:

In matters of love, the Empress tarot card points towards enduring, steadfast affection. It represents the potential for a love story with lasting commitment and devotion, akin to a "happily ever after" scenario. For individuals who are currently unattached, this card suggests that they are on the brink of encountering a person who will love them wholeheartedly and without reservation.


Regarding career prospects, the Empress tarot card points towards potential paths in the beauty and fashion industry. It also suggests opportunities for work within the comforts of one's home.

Yes or No in Tarot:

In yes or no inquiries, the Empress card strongly leans towards a positive affirmation.


The Empress tarot card embodies a love that is boundless and all-encompassing. It possesses the power to mend and complete, enduring through both favorable and challenging circumstances. It stands as an eternal, ageless, and pure form of love, endowed with a potent capacity for healing. Should you inquire about someone's sentiments towards you and receive the Empress card, know that it signifies an overflowing, nurturing love. It's a love abundant in its nature, seeking to mend, nurture, and restore.

Upright The Empress Tarot Card Personality Traits:

The Empress, when personified in a Tarot spread, embodies nurturing, earthy, and kind qualities. Astrologically linked with Venus, the planet of love and abundance, this card carries a receptive and passive feminine energy. It's important to note that all individuals, regardless of gender, possess a mix of both energies. Due to its status as a Major Arcana card, these defining traits significantly shape their identity. However, this aspect may not always be readily apparent, and they might not showcase it openly, even in relationships or to others. In terms of physical attributes, the Empress as a person exudes a genuine affinity for embracing Venusian and earth-inspired energies. This inclination may be reflected in their choice of loose, flowing, or floral attire. Their clothing selections might lean towards minimalistic, natural tones that resonate with the environment. They prefer items that contribute positively to the environment and treat all living beings ethically. For individuals identifying as male, they demonstrate a strong comfort with their feminine side, indicative of a healthy perspective on gender and secure self-identity. This characteristic might manifest in their personal style.

Emotionally, the Empress as a person represents the embodiment of the "Divine Feminine." They embody kindness and compassion, accompanied by an air of feminine authority that commands respect. Their maturity transcends age, forged through various life experiences, and they possess a profound understanding of life's true essence. They choose their battles wisely, steering clear of petty conflicts. In romantic relationships, they discourage game-playing, demanding sincerity and mutual respect. Their demeanor exudes a blend of firmness and gentleness, combining respectability with down-to-earth sensibilities. Regarding careers, the Empress may find fulfillment in roles connected to nature, nurture, or culture. In a caregiving capacity, they may excel in animal care, estate management, childcare, or healthcare professions. Venusian influence might lead them towards cultural and artistic pursuits, such as classical arts, gallery curation, auctions, fashion, or the wine industry. Their refined taste and valuable opinions often earn them recognition. They tend to act as mentors, particularly to those embracing their feminine energies, and find gratification in fostering growth.

Interacting with the Empress person, you will experience a sense of comfort and nurture. Their presence offers a feeling of safety and security, creating an environment akin to a "safe space." Their nature is characterized by an embodiment of unconditional love, akin to the maternal archetype traditionally associated with the Empress. They derive fulfillment from giving and contributing to others, prioritizing this over personal gains. While not judgmental, they are not hesitant to employ tough love when they deem it necessary.

Reversed The Empress Tarot Card:

Reversed, the Empress tarot card conveys a stark absence of nurturing and attention in situations where it is vitally needed. This can manifest as a mother figure who provides little affection and minimal protection to her child. The child in this context symbolizes various aspects like projects, relationships, ventures, home, or a business that require care but are being neglected. It may even suggest an abandonment of responsibilities towards family, children, and the household. The innate motherly and nurturing instincts have either waned or been actively thwarted. This woman might find herself entangled in promiscuity and seduction, with a noticeable lack of love and concern. This card frequently appears in reverse when the seeker is grappling with feelings of unattractiveness.

Reversed The Empress Tarot Card as Personality:

Reversed, the Empress tarot card signifies a person who significantly deviates from the archetype of the Divine Feminine. This individual tends to exhibit pronounced selfishness and an inclination towards power-seeking behavior. Unlike the upright Empress, who finds joy in giving, this reversed Empress derives satisfaction primarily from taking. Given the significance of this Major Arcana card, certain traits are deeply ingrained in their identity. However, it's important to note that individuals have the capacity for change. Physically, a reversed Empress as a person embodies discomfort with embracing their feminine energy. In some cases, they may display characteristics of toxic femininity, which might manifest as unsupportive or even competitively hostile behavior towards other women. Their disposition may be tainted by jealousy, envy, and spite. They might also hold negative biases towards masculine energies, potentially leading to destructive or exploitative behavior. Environmental concerns may not be a priority for them, possibly indicating a degree of selfishness.

Emotionally, a reversed Empress person tends towards manipulative behavior. They may exhibit traits of possessiveness, jealousy, and a tendency to smother those close to them. As parents, they might exert excessive control over their children, often projecting their own unfulfilled desires onto them. This archetype can also represent a 'mean girl' or queen bee persona, someone who wields power or influence but abuses it. They might lack creativity and productivity, yet harbor a strong desire for success, potentially resorting to unscrupulous methods. In terms of careers, a reversed Empress could signal an aspiration towards fields associated with culture, nature, or nurturing. However, they might lack the genuine nurturing and empathetic qualities crucial for caretaking roles. In cultural and artistic pursuits, they may not possess a natural artistic sensibility. With Venus governing personal finances, their primary career motivation often revolves around monetary gain. Their pursuits may be driven more by financial allure or a need for an esteem boost rather than genuine passion.

Interacting with a reversed Empress person may evoke feelings of frustration. In numerology, the number three embodies co-creation and cooperation. Drawing the reversed Empress could suggest dealing with an individual who does not function well within a team dynamic. Their approach to non-collaborative behavior may involve emotional manipulation, guilt-tripping, or even an abuse of authority. This disposition is far from conducive to healthy and productive partnerships. In romantic relationships, they may contemplate procreation for misguided reasons, potentially as a means to stabilize a relationship or gain some form of financial advantage. Entering into a lifelong commitment, especially involving co-parenting, may not be advisable with such an individual.