AstroScoops: Unlock the Secrets of the Cosmos

tarot cards
tarot cards
temperance card
temperance card

Temperance: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


Achieving a state of balance, where various elements work together seamlessly for a more favorable outcome.

Harmonizing diverse circumstances to enhance the overall situation.

Individuals and scenarios synergizing to bring out the best in each other.

Discovering a middle path that fosters contentment.

Embracing a sense of overall wellness and contentment.

Establishing order and coherence in your life.

Exploring new possibilities cautiously.

Connecting with higher realms through communication.




Lack of patience.


The angel could be either Archangel Michael or potentially Archangel Gabriel. The vessels held by the angel signify the container of everlasting life. The presence of flowers is a nod to the goddess Iris, who serves as a link between God and humanity. Iris traverses the expanse of the world, delving into the depths of the sea and the underworld. Iris was recognized as the messenger, embodying spiritual messages accessible to you. The angel's feet, one grounded on land and the other immersed in water, symbolize the integration of the outer and inner realms, the conscious and the subconscious. It also signifies the act of cautiously exploring the unknown before fully committing. The angel's crimson wings symbolize blood, emblematic of life. The sun crown signifies a connection to a higher power. The equilateral triangle on the angel's attire embodies spirit, divinity, fire, vitality, prosperity, and harmony. It can also represent God and the Holy Trinity. The square surrounding the triangle signifies safeguarding and steadiness. In the Zodiac, Temperance is aligned with Sagittarius.


The Temperance tarot card is associated with Sagittarius, a zodiac sign ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter, the planet connected to seeking wisdom through firsthand experiences, embracing tolerance, fostering expansion, and inviting good fortune. It embodies a curiosity about diverse cultures and a pursuit of far-reaching aspirations and destinations. Jupiter is the celestial body of exploration and when in favorable alignment, it signifies assurance, innate understanding, intuition, visionary thinking, positive outcomes, and a hopeful outlook. However, when negatively influenced, it can lead to extremism, impulsiveness, and excessive and uncontrolled behavior.

Upright Temperance Tarot Card Meaning:

The Temperance tarot card symbolizes a harmonious fusion of elements, yielding something innovative and rejuvenating. It orchestrates a blend where each component shines at its finest. When this card manifests in your life, it signifies a powerful equilibrium and synergy among various aspects and individuals. The resulting outcome is advantageous for all parties involved. The Temperance card serves as a reminder of what imparts significance and direction to your life. It advocates for a measured and modest approach, indicating that optimal results are achieved through temperance. Moreover, Temperance is associated with the angelic realm, urging you to heed your inner guidance, as it carries messages from your guardian angel. This card aids in maintaining a connection and equilibrium, emphasizing apt timing and the capacity to adapt to new circumstances and collaborate effectively with others.

In A Love Reading:

In matters of love, the Temperance tarot card indicates a union of two contrasting individuals who harmonize and complement each other. For someone who is currently unattached, Temperance suggests the prospect of encountering a person with distinct qualities who will bring out their finest attributes. This connection will be characterized by a deep affection without the clouding of rational judgment.


In a career-focused tarot reading, the Temperance card points to professions in fields like humanitarian work, higher education, and managerial roles. It may also suggest opportunities in online teaching. Additionally, Temperance can be indicative of artistic endeavors that involve the integration of various media forms.

Yes or No in Tarot:

Temperance leans towards a positive response in a yes/no inquiry.


The Temperance tarot card, when indicating feelings, conveys a sense of inner contentment and harmony for the Seeker. It suggests the importance of establishing firm boundaries to safeguard this sense of peace, as failing to do so might attract detrimental influences. Temperance points to a love that elicits the best qualities in the Seeker, characterized more by a sense of enhancement rather than overwhelming intensity. If you're inquiring about how someone perceives their feelings towards you, Temperance implies that this person sees you as a source of balance and joy in their life. They believe you're introducing something fresh that significantly improves their overall well-being. Additionally, Temperance may hint at a touch of wistfulness in their emotions.

Upright Temperance Tarot Card Personality Traits:

Temperance as a person embodies a remarkable level of zen-like patience and spirituality, influenced by Sagittarius' high-minded and philosophical energy. This individual possesses a balanced blend of assertiveness and contemplation, regardless of gender. Their identity is strongly shaped by traits like being a visionary thinker and spiritualist. Their presence exudes sophistication, akin to a worldly sage. Despite an initial impression of glamour, there's a depth to them that defies surface appearances. They offer a valuable lesson in not judging based on outward appearances. Physically, they exhibit a well-balanced and moderate lifestyle, avoiding excess. Emotionally, they excel at regulating and compartmentalizing their feelings, displaying a remarkable emotional intelligence. They place great value on intangible aspects like friendships and overall harmony. In their careers, they excel in roles that require mediation, crisis management, and promoting overall well-being, such as legal mediation or diplomatic positions. Their considerate and community-oriented approach makes them a positive presence in any setting. They embody the philosophy of "think globally, act locally," always mindful of the wider impact of their actions.

Reversed Temperance Tarot Card:

When the Temperance tarot card appears in reverse, it signifies a failed attempt to find harmony between opposing forces, leading to an unfortunate outcome. It often indicates a situation where two individuals, who could potentially complement each other, instead bring out each other's negative qualities. This lack of balance results in one or both parties feeling drained and worn out, with no middle ground to find. Attempts to merge groups or families prove unsuccessful, and endeavors like combining two smaller companies to create a new business may falter. The atmosphere becomes toxic, lacking the necessary elements to turn dreams into reality. On a personal level, there's a tendency towards hot-headedness, impatience, and a reluctance to come together and collaborate.

Reversed Temperance Tarot Card as Personality:

Reversed Temperance as a person embodies imbalance, imprudence, and a lack of regard for harmony. They struggle with self-control, potentially leading to tendencies towards addictions or codependent behavior. This energy mirrors the Devil card, but in a more concealed manner. Unlike the Devil, the reversed Temperance individual may feel a sense of shame about their vices, often masking them. As a Major Arcana card, these traits are integral to their identity, though change is possible if they choose to pursue it. Physically, the reversed Temperance person embodies excessiveness. They lack moderation in their pursuits, often taking things to extremes. This could manifest as an obsession with exercise to an unhealthy extent or a dependency on substances, whether legal or not. Their lack of discipline can lead to financial strain, especially if they overspend on luxury items. Emotionally, this individual grapples with erratic and unresolved feelings. They might struggle with self-reflection and addressing underlying issues, potentially due to a hectic lifestyle. This constant busyness can hinder their ability to prioritize their mental well-being.

In the professional realm, the reversed Temperance person may be characterized as chaotic or dramatic in their workplace. Their career may have been influenced by turbulent situations, potentially thriving in environments prone to crises. This could involve fields that benefit from emergencies, such as disaster relief services or certain financial sectors. However, there's also potential for involvement in less savory industries, like the illegal drug trade or addictive substances or products. Interacting with this person can leave you feeling off-balance and caught in their chaos. They may exhibit addictive tendencies or compulsive behavior, potentially dragging you into their issues. In romantic relationships, they might exaggerate conflicts and even find a certain satisfaction in discord.