AstroScoops: Unlock the Secrets of the Cosmos

tarot cards
tarot cards
strength tarot card
strength tarot card

Strength: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


Endurance through genuine concern.

A deep spiritual essence.

Innate resilience.

Devotion and affection.

Confidence and unwavering resolve.








The eternity symbol positioned above the woman's head signifies her spiritual inclination. She embodies an inner fortitude and resilience. Representing courage, passion, and primal instincts, the lion stands as a testament to our untamed nature. The woman, on the other hand, embodies kindness and empathy, essential components of inner strength. Her white attire symbolizes the elevated feminine aspect of the soul. The crown and belt fashioned from roses are emblems of love and the serene essence of the woman's spirit. The mountain in the backdrop conveys steadiness and steadfastness, depicting a distant objective attainable through perseverance and patience.


The Strength tarot card is governed by Leo, which in turn is influenced by the Sun. The Sun governs our determination, pride, willpower, heart, overall well-being, and vitality. It embodies a potent masculine energy and also dictates how we are perceived by others, our public image, and our self-worth. The Sun brings clarity to the attributes and truths of the other planets it interacts with, thus, Strength augments the significance of the other Major Arcana cards in the spread, particularly the Wheel of Fortune and Temperance, given their connection to Jupiter. The synergy between the Sun and Jupiter creates a particularly potent influence. Moreover, the Sun serves as a guardian of the heart.

Upright Strength Tarot Card Meaning:

The Strength tarot card embodies qualities of bravery, fervor, resilience, self-assurance, forbearance, and empathy. It urges us to pursue our passions, allocating time for endeavors that invigorate us and fortify our inner resolve, ultimately fostering confidence and self-value. The image of the woman taming the lion serves as a powerful metaphor, reminding us that with belief in ourselves, patience, and a foundation of love rather than coercion, any goal is attainable. Acts of kindness, exemplifying leadership, and channeling love are the pathways to success. Strength underscores that you possess the fortitude to be affectionate and considerate, even in situations where others may appear indifferent. Deep down, they care, and you recognize this. You are a figure they look up to, so continue demonstrating the efficacy of love and tenderness in navigating challenges.

In A Love Reading:

In matters of love, the Strength tarot card signifies a profound and passionate affection. It also signifies an unwavering, unconditional love that serves as a steadfast anchor in your life.


In a professional context, the Strength tarot card suggests careers involving animal care or roles focused on assisting vulnerable individuals. It emphasizes the importance of pursuing work aligned with your deepest passions.

Yes or No in Tarot:

The Strength tarot card leans towards a positive outcome, but it advises patience. To bring about what you desire, cultivating a sense of gratitude is key.


Strength signifies that the Seeker possesses a strong sense of self-assurance and inner strength. They have an abundance of love to offer and demonstrate a deep sense of compassion towards others. The Seeker is self-reliant and feels complete within themselves. The card also conveys intense and heartfelt affection. When inquiring about how someone perceives you, Strength suggests they view you as their source of stability and support in life. It's highly likely that they also harbor strong feelings of passion for you.

Upright Strength Tarot Card Personality Traits:

If the Strength tarot card appears in a spread as a person, it signifies an individual who possesses a blend of resilience and tact, mastering the art of subtle influence. Astrologically linked with Leo, this person exudes an active, sometimes assertive energy. While everyone carries a balance of both energies, this card's defining traits play a significant role in their identity. They may not readily reveal this aspect of themselves in initial stages of a relationship or to others. In terms of physical attributes, this person is vibrant, vivacious, and embraces a colorful style. Their flamboyant appearance stems from personal enjoyment rather than seeking external validation. While they appreciate compliments and attention, their primary motivation isn't rooted in seeking approval or appeasing critics. Emotionally, this person embodies strength and possesses the capacity to confront life's challenges with resilience. They exhibit a healthy sense of self-worth, coupled with a well-managed ego. The symbolism of the lion being tamed in the traditional depiction of the Strength card suggests they've harnessed their own pride and ego. They tend to be non-confrontational, a sign of their mental fortitude.

In terms of careers, Strength may signify someone who thrives in 5th House domains. This astrological house governs entertainment, recreation, speculative ventures, and investments, as well as interactions with one's own children. They might be a dedicated stay-at-home parent or pursue opportunities that allow them to be close to their children, possibly working remotely. Alternatively, they could excel in professions related to competitive gaming, professional card games, or chess. If they're in the entertainment industry, they're likely to be in front of the camera rather than behind the scenes. Their preference for soft power over forcefulness makes them adept negotiators. As a supportive figure, this person exudes motivation and brings a sense of lightheartedness into your life. Their association with fun-loving Leo ensures a lot of enjoyable and uplifting moments. In times of heartbreak, they're the friend who'll whisk you away for a night out. In romantic relationships, expect a plethora of enjoyable and engaging dates.

Reversed Strength Tarot Card:

When the Strength tarot card appears in reverse, it suggests a deficiency in courage, passion, and a tendency towards timidity, fear, and impatience. This reversal indicates a wavering will and a lack of inner fortitude. The lion symbolizing untamed energy remains unchecked, often stemming from apprehension of standing out amidst societal influences. The Seeker may find themselves conforming rather than taking independent action. At times, the fear may be overpowering, and mere willpower may prove insufficient. In such cases, seeking external assistance and support becomes essential. There's an urging to establish a deeper, more spiritually connected relationship with life.

Reversed Strength Tarot Card as Personality:

If Strength appears in reverse, it suggests a person who is driven by ego, potentially displaying narcissistic and self-centered tendencies. The natural exuberance and playfulness associated with this card may transform into irresponsible and immature behavior. In romantic relationships with this person, there may be a sense of stagnation or lack of progress. Since this is a Major Arcana card, these traits may be deeply ingrained in their character. It's important to remember that people have the capacity to change, for better or worse. In terms of physical attributes, a person embodying the reversed Strength card tends to be ostentatious and seeks attention, often sharing their actions and appearances on social media platforms. They may exhibit vanity and occasionally envy others' looks, sometimes resorting to tearing others down to boost themselves up. Their notion of self-care might lean towards self-indulgence and self-centeredness, rather than a healthy form of self-love. On an emotional level, this individual might engage in compulsive competitiveness due to a fragile ego. They may display restlessness and discomfort when not the center of attention. When they hold negative feelings towards someone, they tend to fixate on that person's flaws. This person could also have a tendency to engage in conflicts, struggling to discern when it's appropriate to stop or choose their battles.

Concerning careers, the reversed Strength card may indicate a desire to pursue work that aligns with their passions or offers a path to fame. However, it's important to recognize that this card reflects the shadow side of Leo, and in this reversed position, it can signify an individual who may underestimate the effort and skills required, assuming that success will effortlessly come their way. This person may find it challenging to cope when reality doesn't meet their expectations. Alternatively, they may exhibit a lack of ambition and determination. Interacting with a person embodying reversed Strength can be draining and potentially demoralizing. They often dominate conversations, turning them into competitions rather than engaging in a collaborative exchange of ideas. This individual tends to engage in one-upmanship and may resort to belittling others to elevate their own self-worth. If you find yourself in such a dynamic, it's crucial to safeguard your self-esteem, recognizing that their behavior is a reflection of their own ego.