AstroScoops: Unlock the Secrets of the Cosmos

tarot cards
tarot cards
The High Priestess Tarot Card
The High Priestess Tarot Card

The High Priestess: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


A woman endowed with extrasensory abilities.

A female figure exerting an influence on you.

Transforming the seemingly impossible into reality.

Your inner world and introspective journey.

Crafting plans that align with your true desires, rather than conforming to others' expectations.

Possessing a latent, special skill.

Having a clear understanding of the correct course of action.


A deficiency in perceptive insight.

Displaying imprudent behavior.

Being excessively sensitive or delicate in emotions.

Fragility of the psyche or mental state.


The High Priestess, in the Rider-Waite deck, is seated on a cubic stone, representing alchemical raw material, at the edge of the sea symbolizing the unconscious mind. Her scroll signifies ancient knowledge. The two pillars, Boaz and Jakin, are from Solomon’s Temple, representing strength and establishment respectively. These pillars symbolize duality and polarity, reflecting positive and negative aspects, as well as masculine and feminine energies. The High Priestess serves as a mediator between these pillars, embodying both positive and negative environments. Her blue robe indicates her possession of knowledge. Wearing the crown of Isis, she is connected to nature and magic. The solar cross signifies her connection to the earth and its seasons.

The crescent moon at her feet, derived from the Book of Revelation, suggests that revelations may be found beyond one's comfort zone. It signifies the unknown. The pomegranates symbolize life and the 613 commandments of the Torah. The High Priestess reading the Torah underscores her possession of wisdom and knowledge.


In terms of astrology, the High Priestess is associated with the Moon, which governs intuition, mystery, instincts, cycles, the subconscious, and emotions. The Moon embodies femininity and represents important female figures in one's life. It is linked to the receptive, yin principle, and emotional development. Changes associated with the High Priestess often take about 28 days to manifest and stabilize, corresponding to the Moon's orbit around the zodiac. The Moon also rules over Cancer, the astrological sign of the Chariot.

Upright The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning:

The High Priestess tarot card embodies secrecy, magic, enigma, intuition, profound wisdom, and the ability to achieve what seems impossible. It may signify a psychic bond between individuals, a person with strong psychic abilities, or someone who remains entirely mysterious to you. Additionally, this card indicates relying on your inner guidance to navigate life's path. The High Priestess can also symbolize your subconscious mind and the deeply ingrained beliefs within it. When appearing in a reading, she often represents significant female figures in your life, such as your mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, or female superiors or colleagues.

In A Love Reading:

In matters of love, the High Priestess card can suggest the presence of an emotional entanglement that might not progress into a physical relationship. The emotional bond may be so intense that it leaves the Seeker feeling stuck and unable to move forward. For someone who is single, this card can indicate that they will have vivid dreams or strong premonitions about their future soulmate before actually meeting them. In an existing relationship, this card signifies a profound psychic connection between the partners.


In matters of career, the High Priestess card points towards roles involving academia, historical research, psychic practices, as well as positions in libraries and archives. For individuals on a job search, this card strongly advises relying on your instincts. Your intuitive senses will lead you towards the most suitable job, business venture, or career trajectory.

Yes or No in Tarot:

The High Priestess indicates a probable affirmative outcome, yet there may be concealed elements at play in bringing about this situation.


The High Priestess tarot card suggests that emotions are often in a state of flux. The Seeker experiences uncertainty or finds it challenging to access their feelings. They ride through emotional highs and lows, struggling to articulate or comprehend their own emotional state. Stability is sought after, particularly in the search for a profound soulmate who brings a sense of security.

When inquiring about someone's feelings towards you and receiving the High Priestess card, it indicates they sense a deep soul connection. However, there are emotional hurdles to navigate before they can ascertain if you are the one with whom they can feel truly secure. The emphasis is on emotional stability when the High Priestess appears.

Upright The High Priestess Tarot Card Personality Traits:

If the High Priestess appears in a Tarot spread as a person, it signifies an individual who possesses a deep well of discreet knowledge and a knack for keeping secrets. They exhibit a mystical quality, often serving as custodians of esoteric wisdom. This person is profoundly attuned to the universe, exhibiting empathy and a connection to the collective consciousness, and may even hold access to the Akashic records. Astrologically linked with the Moon and Pisces, this card embodies a receptive, passive energy, irrespective of gender identification. Given its status as a Major Arcana card, these defining traits constitute a significant part of their identity. While they may not readily disclose this aspect, it holds a prominent role in how they perceive themselves. In terms of physical characteristics, the High Priestess personifies an aura of mystery and allure. Their sensuality, if expressed, is never overt, reflecting a masterful subtlety. Symbolism often plays a key role in their attire choices, particularly if it aligns with a mystical or esoteric theme. Their essence is not readily apparent to casual observers, requiring a deeper understanding to truly appreciate.

Emotionally, the High Priestess exudes subtlety and depth of feeling, even if they present as serene and composed. Their intuitive and empathic nature is a defining trait, although they may be inclined towards solitary moments to recharge from the energies of others. While they may enjoy material abundance, they hold a keen awareness of its impermanence, rooted in their profound understanding of life. In terms of careers, the High Priestess signifies work involving esoteric knowledge. This may or may not place them in the public eye, but it consistently revolves around the realms of mysticism. They may serve as Tarot or astrology content creators, energy workers like reiki healers, or engage in professions related to secret information or covert operations. Their approach to sharing knowledge is judicious and measured, reflecting their discretion. Occupations associated with psychology or mental health align with the astrological connection to the 12th House. Regardless of recognition, they exhibit a healthy ego, content in their role without needing acknowledgment or praise. In interactions, the High Priestess person imparts a sense of being heard and understood. They excel at active listening and can be trusted to safeguard confidences. Their demeanor exudes an ineffable quality, rooted in a profound depth of wisdom. This individual demonstrates a selfless strength, quietly supporting others without seeking recognition. They embody the archetype of a steadfast friend, exemplifying strength intertwined with humility, and never expecting overt acknowledgment. It's important not to underestimate the value they bring.

Reversed The High Priestess Tarot Card:

When the High Priestess appears reversed, it signifies a suppression of psychic potential and a lack of recognition for the subconscious forces at play in our lives. Secrets remain concealed, answers remain elusive, and instincts falter. This card can represent an erratic woman in your life, marked by mood swings and potentially hurtful comments or outbursts. Decision-making becomes arduous in this context, as a sense of control dissipates, giving way to ensuing chaos. There's a notable absence of clarity and a sense of disorder prevails, akin to a state of mental confusion.

Reversed The High Priestess Tarot Card as Personality:

When the High Priestess reversed appears in a Tarot reading, it signifies a person who tends to be indiscreet and has a tendency to reveal secrets unnecessarily. Unlike the upright High Priestess who understands the importance of discernment in sharing insights, the reversed version struggles to keep sensitive information confidential. In fact, they may divulge secrets with malicious intent. As a Major Arcana card, these characteristics may be intrinsic to their identity, but it's worth noting that people have the capacity for change. In terms of physical traits, the reversed High Priestess represents someone who may be ostentatious, often lacking subtlety. Unlike their upright counterpart who embodies depth and profound understanding, the reversed version may exhibit shallowness and superficiality. They might adopt trends or styles simply for their aesthetic appeal, without genuine resonance. Their online presence could feature borrowed content, indicating a tendency towards unoriginality.

Emotionally, this individual may exhibit a lack of empathy. They might pursue someone who is already committed in a relationship, showing disregard for the potential harm caused. Their approach may be secretive and deceptive, masquerading as a matter of privacy. Unlike the calm and collected demeanor of the upright High Priestess, the reversed version may display impatience and pushiness in seeking answers, even when they may not be ready for them.

In terms of careers, the reversed High Priestess may be associated with roles that involve exploiting secrets and confidential information. Their profession might not be legitimate or lawful, possibly engaging in activities that breach ethical boundaries. They might operate as professional manipulators, possibly resorting to blackmail or deceitful practices. In industries where physical appearance holds no significance, they might attempt to exploit their attractiveness and sensuality.

Interacting with a person represented by the reversed High Priestess might evoke a sense of wariness and mistrust. Their behavior may trigger gut instincts that caution against placing full trust in them. This individual might exhibit inappropriate advances or flirtatious behavior, causing discomfort. The overall impression may be one of suspicion and unease, without a clear understanding of the underlying cause.