AstroScoops: Unlock the Secrets of the Cosmos

tarot cards
tarot cards
The Moon Tarot Card
The Moon Tarot Card

The Moon: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)



Immersed in a rich imagination.

Intuition propelling forward.

Venturing into the unfamiliar.

Anxiety and apprehension.

Seeking solitude from the world.

Expressing creativity.

Discovering hidden gems within challenges.



Creative flow hindered.

Use of medication.


The Moon card embodies cycles, patterns, and emotional states. It now rises amidst the same towers seen in the Death card, signaling a transition into unfamiliar terrain. The Moon signifies a phase of repose and readiness as we await the return of the Sun. The towers also denote the interplay of our logical and intuitive faculties. Enveloped by a massive sun, it underscores that the Moon merely reflects the Sun's light, portraying our reality as elusive echoes. Its light is muted, making clarity elusive. The Moon's myriad phases denote potential shifts of heart. The lobster signifies the Moon's sway over our emotions, especially primal needs, with the water representing our subconscious. The dog and the wolf mirror our controlled and untamed aspects, encapsulating the duality of our psyche. The moon's face reflecting discontent, and the winding path, highlights our instinct's influence, in contrast to the straightforward logic of intellect. Governed by Pisces, the Moon reveals deep emotional currents.


The Moon is governed by Pisces, which is in turn ruled by Neptune. Pisces, being the final sign of the zodiac, encompasses aspects of life we often prefer to evade, burying them deep within our subconscious in hopes of avoiding them entirely. Neptune, the planet associated with mystery and illusions, is believed to shape humanity's destiny and heighten our conscious awareness. It encourages us to practice compassion towards others and confront the fears that hinder kindness towards ourselves and others. Neptune embodies qualities of softness, sensitivity, and imagination, often prompting a desire to escape from the harsh realities of life. On a positive note, it fosters high creativity and influences industries like film, television, fashion, and theatre. When adversely aligned, it may indicate a tendency to withdraw from the world, leading to a state of exaggerated confusion and a heightened, uneasy sensitivity. This negative influence of Neptune may also lead to feelings of paranoia.

Upright The Moon Tarot Card Meaning:

The Moon tarot card embodies illusions, intuition, fantasies, fears, and anxiety. Its presence can signify a shift in the Seeker's intentions and plans, even a complete change of heart. When the Moon card appears, appearances may be deceptive. Insecurities may be heightened, or the Seeker could encounter others projecting their own insecurities. This card also suggests a time when dreams and intuitive messages hold significant sway, potentially leading to a sense of mental fog and difficulty concentrating. Embracing the Moon's influence may open doors to heightened creativity and imaginative ventures, drawing one towards mysteries and even darker explorations. Ultimately, the Moon reminds us that our reality is shaped by our beliefs. Connecting with oneself can tap into a wellspring of creativity. For the reader: The Moon's appearance often signals a surge of creative energy within the Seeker. This energy seeks an outlet in a constructive manner. Encourage the Seeker to ponder what they would learn if the pursuit solely served the betterment of their soul, unrelated to employment or financial gains. There exists a yearning to nurture the soul through creativity, independent of life's practicalities.

In A Love Reading:

In matters of love, the Moon tarot card suggests a tendency to seek love and engage in relationships as a means of healing past emotional wounds. For those currently unattached, it may indicate hidden affections or the potential for a romance that carries an element of risk.


In a career context, the Moon tarot card suggests potential work during nighttime hours. It may also indicate a role involving detective work. For those inclined towards creativity, the Moon points towards opportunities in writing and artistic pursuits. Additionally, it hints at the potential for generating passive income.

Yes or No in Tarot:

The Moon tarot card signifies a period of uncertainty and prevailing confusion. Consequently, it tends to lean towards a "No" in response to a yes/no question.


The Moon tarot card indicates a sense of confusion, suggesting the Seeker may be uncertain about changes occurring in their life. There's a potential for a new perspective to bring much-needed clarity. In matters of love, the Moon signifies emotions clouded by fear, or perhaps fear masquerading as affection. This leaves the Seeker in a state of uncertainty, possibly vulnerable to manipulation. It may be time for the Seeker to reevaluate their belief system and gain a fresh understanding of their reality. When inquiring about someone's feelings towards you, the Moon tarot card suggests this person is grappling with uncertainty and inner turmoil. They might be introspective and focused on practical matters, seeking clarity before letting their guard down. They're looking for a clear sense of where they stand and a better understanding of the situation.

Upright The Moon Tarot Card Personality Traits:

The Moon person is a mysterious and enigmatic individual, associated with both Pisces and Cancer. They carry a passive, receptive energy, a blend found in all of us regardless of gender. This card plays a significant role in shaping their identity, often keeping their mysterious nature hidden from others. Physically, they exude a sense of femininity, regardless of their gender. Comfortable in their feminine energy, they enjoy physical touch within appropriate boundaries. Their nature is gentle, and their voice is soothing. They may have an affinity for light fabrics and soft textures. Emotionally, the Moon person is private and often seen as secretive or even intimidating. However, upon closer acquaintance, they reveal themselves to be loving and kind, making them excellent friends. They embrace their divine feminine energy.

In their career, they navigate the depth of human emotions, often handling sensitive and deeply emotional matters. They may work in roles like psychotherapy or in professions related to animals or bodies of water. Interacting with them may initially evoke caution, but as you grow more acquainted, you'll likely feel cared for and serene in their presence. Their love tends to be unconditional, cherishing you like family if you share a harmonious bond.

Reversed The Moon Tarot Card:

Reversed, the Moon tarot card suggests the presence of primal, intense energies and a period of deep inner turmoil, akin to a soul-searching phase. Both intuition and creativity may feel stifled, and there could be a potential blockage in the realm of sexuality. It calls for establishing barriers against untamed elements. Measures like medication, institutions, prisons, locks, and fences are necessary to contain overwhelming chaos. This card often emerges in reverse during times of disorder, frenzy, and struggles with addiction. It signifies a dominance of primal instincts and a state of anarchy. For artists, it indicates a loss of creative flow, an inability to focus, and a challenge in effectively channeling their energies.

Reversed The Moon Tarot Card as Personality:

Reversed, the Moon in a person suggests secrecy, potential paranoia, and irrational fear. Conversely, it can also indicate a lack of fear to the point of recklessness. As a Major Arcana card, these traits are integral to their identity, recognizing that individuals can evolve and change if they choose to. Physically, the reversed Moon person struggles to conceal their emotions, projecting negative energy that often reflects back onto them, leading to a cycle of negativity. Being around them may be emotionally draining. Alternatively, they may express femininity in a toxic manner, potentially harmful to themselves and others. Emotionally, this person can be manipulative, adept at feigning distress or portraying themselves as a hero in situations of their own making. They may exploit misfortunes for personal gain, exerting a more subtle form of control, instilling fear, uncertainty, or paranoia to achieve their objectives.

In terms of career, the reversed Moon person may engage in fields associated with the upright Moon but may prove more detrimental than helpful to those they're meant to assist. They may dabble in questionable activities, potentially venturing into illegal territories. This could range from misappropriating supplies for personal use to involvement in high-level corruption, risking public scandal. Interacting with this person may leave you feeling discontented or cautious. If you're well-acquainted with them, you might feel that they consistently influence you with their negativity. If you're less familiar with them, you may have an uneasy feeling, unable to pinpoint the source. Eventually, you'll likely uncover this person's concealed aspects. Drawing this card in reverse for any kind of relationship, be it platonic or romantic, advises relying on your intuition.