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tarot cards
tarot cards
The Fool Tarot Card
The Fool Tarot Card

The Fool: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


- Embracing new beginnings and a fresh direction.

- Cultivating a newfound belief system or perspective.

- Placing trust in a higher power or having faith in the journey.

- Navigating uncharted territory without clear expectations.

- Adapting and improvising along the way.

- Approaching the unknown with courage and curiosity.

- Releasing worry and fear to experience true joy and carefreeness.

- Sensing a serendipitous alignment of circumstances.

- Experiencing heightened intuition and inner guidance.


- Encountering a period of stagnation or lack of progress.

- Experiencing a loss of faith, whether in oneself or in the journey.

- Wrestling with heightened fears or anxieties about the future.


The Fool tarot card embodies the essence of number 0, representing boundless potential and a sense of faith often associated with a higher power. Unlike the other major arcana cards which employ Roman numerals, the Fool stands apart with the Arabic numeral zero. Positioned at the outset of the deck, it symbolizes fresh starts. The Fool's carefree demeanor stems from a lack of experience, rendering fear irrelevant. His canine companion attempts to caution him, a metaphor for well-meaning advice from friends. Alternatively, some see the ground not as a precipice, but as a place that miraculously renews itself before the Fool's steps, with the dog representing our primal instincts.

The bag slung over the Fool's shoulder signifies a carefree disposition and emotional purity. The white rose denotes quietude and renewal, reflecting the purity of his spirit and the creative, spontaneous energy that courses through him. The feather on his hat symbolizes air, pointing towards the sun, a representation of enlightenment. It's a matter of interpretation whether the Fool is turning away from enlightenment or has already assimilated its teachings. Examining the surrounding cards, particularly those he faces, may provide an answer.

Regarding the Sun card, it can also indicate the dawn of a new era, a sense of justice prevailing, and the Fool's newfound freedom. The yellow backdrop mirrors the Fool's cerebral nature, emphasizing the need for grounding. Freedom, as embodied by the Fool, extends beyond the physical realm, encapsulating a state devoid of regrets.


The Fool tarot card is associated with the planet Uranus, known for its connection to surprise, the future, technology, and creativity. It embodies qualities of nonconformity, appealing to free spirits, revolutionaries, and radical thinkers. Uranus remains in a sign for a significant span of 7 years and also governs Aquarius, linked to The Star card.

Upright The Fool Tarot Card Meaning:

In a general context, the Fool signifies fresh starts, faith in the future, a lack of experience, embracing the unknown, and a carefree approach. It embodies a childlike openness, guided by instinct and potential. It often represents an exciting new situation and can foretell fortunate circumstances, such as being in the right place at the right time or winning competitions.

In A Love Reading:

In matters of love, the Fool can indicate struggles with commitment and a tendency to not appreciate what one has until it's too late. For singles, it suggests an ability to attract relationships effortlessly, but advises working on commitment issues.


In a career context, the Fool suggests opportunities in fields related to power plants, electricity, technology, and social media. It may also signify someone eager to embark on a learning journey fresh out of school.

Yes or No in Tarot:

The Fool leans towards a "Yes" but doesn't guarantee long-lasting outcomes. It strongly favors travel and adventure.


The Fool represents the emergence of new, joyful feelings, grounded in trust and a lack of fear. It indicates a spiritual connection and excitement towards a new and positive experience. When assessing someone's feelings towards you, drawing the Fool card suggests that you've brought joy and a sense of aliveness to their life.

Upright The Fool Tarot Card Personality Traits:

If the Fool card manifests as a person in a Tarot reading, it signifies an individual who, despite the card's name, is not foolish. This person exudes an air of innocence and wonder, regardless of their age. They are characterized by curiosity, a scientific approach to life, and a touch of quirkiness, influenced by the astrological connection to Uranus, ruler of Aquarius and the 11th House. While the card embodies assertive, active energy due to its association with a masculine sign, both feminine and masculine energies are present in everyone.

As a Major Arcana card, these defining traits play a significant role in shaping their identity. For instance, their inclination towards creative quirkiness is a pivotal aspect of who they are, even if they don't readily reveal it in the initial stages of a relationship or to others.

Physically, the Fool person tends to exude an innocent or androgynous appearance. They project a youthful energy through their body language and mannerisms, often displaying an outdoorsy, fit, and sun-kissed demeanor. Their style is notably unique, daring, and even avant-garde, yet they effortlessly carry it off without seeming like they're trying too hard. As the first card of the Tarot, they embody a pioneering, trendsetting spirit.

Emotionally, the Fool person is exhilarating and easily enthused. They are a genuinely kind-hearted friend who remains loyal and sees the best in people and situations. Despite past emotional wounds, they maintain hope in humanity. They approach life with an open-hearted, open-minded attitude, willing to explore new experiences without taking offense at being labeled as "eccentric" or "unconventional". Their social circles encompass friends and lovers from diverse backgrounds and cultures, often experimenting with alternative lifestyles.

In terms of careers, the Fool person may find fulfillment in creative pursuits, such as artistry or invention. They are well-suited for social media, skillfully transforming everyday activities into captivating content. Given the astrological ties to Uranus and Aquarian energy, they may excel in the tech field. Their workplace demeanor embraces their quirks, leading to unconventional yet effective problem-solving. In their highest potential, they may even make groundbreaking inventions or contribute to scientific discoveries.

Interacting with the Fool person evokes a sense of relaxation and optimism. They embody the spirit of "don't worry, be happy". They're the friend who uncovers the latest social media platform or tech trend before it gains widespread popularity. With them, every day is infused with intrigue and excitement. Above all, they exude acceptance, holding a non-judgmental perspective and regarding everyone as equals.

Reversed The Fool Tarot Card:

When reversed, the Fool suggests blocked new beginnings and obscured paths. It may indicate feeling stuck, uninspired, and disconnected from reality. Those in this state may find it challenging to manifest and grow in the physical world. This card also signifies sensitivity and a strong connection to one's inner child, suggesting a period of growth and learning. It advises caution and urges a return to familiar ground rather than leaping into the unknown.

Reversed Fool Tarot Card as Personality:

If the reversed Fool appears in a Tarot reading as a person, it signifies an individual who carries a sense of jadedness. They may have experienced events that led to the erosion of their innocence, fostering a more cynical perspective on the world. This can give them the appearance of being unusually wise for their age, though it's more a result of premature disillusionment. Importantly, the reversal suggests a reluctance to change, as they're entrenched in their current outlook, perhaps even taking pride in their bleak worldview. As a Major Arcana card, these traits are likely ingrained in their identity. While no one is without flaws, there's always potential for personal growth and transformation.

Physical Characteristics: For someone embodying the reversed Fool, there's a reluctance to be seen in their natural state. They exhibit a meticulous approach to their appearance, sometimes to the point of overthinking it. This inclination might stem from factors like body-shaming experiences, a strict upbringing, or exposure to negative beauty standards in the media. Additionally, they often appear less joyful or carefree, possibly wearing expressions of mistrust or a furrowed brow. Their approach to style tends towards playing it safe or imitating trends they perceive as "edgy" for attention, rather than expressing their own unique style.

Emotional Traits: Emotionally, this individual tends to lean towards pessimism and a lack of enthusiasm for life. Doubt is a prevalent factor, leading them to shy away from taking risks. They tend to view the world through a lens of expecting the worst-case scenario. At times, they may exhibit judgmental and closed-minded tendencies, and in some instances, even harbor bigoted beliefs. The reversed Fool energy manifests in extremes, swinging between an aversion to adventure and reckless, irresponsible behavior. In this state, they can indeed display "foolish" behavior.

Career Outlook: In terms of careers, the reversed Fool may find themselves in follower roles across various fields. They might not have actively chosen their career path but instead gravitated towards what others were doing or what was deemed safe. Astrologically linked to Uranus, the reversed Fool may have natural inclinations towards the arts, and technology. However, their output lacks innovation, creativity, and originality. They may even discourage unconventional thinking in their colleagues, only to later adopt or claim credit for their ideas.

Influence on Others: Interacting with this individual can dampen enthusiasm for new ventures, projects, or pursuing dreams. While constructive criticism and a reality check can be beneficial, the reversed Fool tends to be a pessimist who dwells on potential pitfalls. They may also pass judgment on those who dare to be different, spreading their lack of zest for life. In essence, their outlook can influence others negatively, as misery tends to find solace in company.