AstroScoops: Unlock the Secrets of the Cosmos
The Nourisher

Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Degree: 3:20 to 16:40 in Cancer
Purusharth: Dharma
Deity: Brihaspati
Gana: Devta
Direction: East
'The Nourisher' is literal translation of Pushya Nakshatra in English. The person born under this Nakshatra would have a big heart and a helpful temperament, as the name says. Additionally, they will succeed in life and enjoy amazing joys. This Nakshatra's inhabitants are regarded as fortunate. One of the Gods claimed to have been born in Pushya Nakshatra is Goddess Lakshmi. Having Saturn and Jupiter as the native's ruling planets is often advantageous.
You have a very kind, sympathetic, and generous personality. Jupiter is the ruler of this constellation, and as a result, you have a serious, committed, truthful, and upright nature, much like a God. Your body will be well-muscled and full-framed. The face will be brilliant and round. You don't possess the slightest ego at all. Your primary motivation in life is to find peace, joy, and contentment. You are devoted, dependable, outgoing, and compassionate toward others. You are easily tempted by delicious cuisine, and you value your material possessions. Positive feedback makes you very happy, and negative feedback makes you angry. As a result, using encouraging words is the only method to get you to act. You enjoy gathering various commodities.
You firmly hold that you are a follower of God. It is not surprising if you are quite popular because of these qualities. You have a spiritual and giving nature. You also make pilgrimages. You'll also be quite interested in things like yoga, astrology, and Tantra-Mantra. You will have a special appreciation for women like your mother. You have natural talent and a very inventive working style. handed your exceptional honesty and skill, it is safe to say that if a task is handed to you, it will unquestionably be completed. You might occasionally have to travel far from your spouse and kids because of your job. This won't, however, result in a break from the family.
You will constantly work hard to afford luxuries in life. Along with a sense of commitment, you exhibit a calm and respectable manner. You could easily fall victim to other people's bad behavior. You find it incredibly challenging to put what is on your thoughts into words. You try to assist people and are a devout follower of God. Even after getting married, you may not always feel comfortable telling your spouse everything, which can occasionally lead to misunderstandings. You thereby subject yourself to excruciating internal suffering.
Agriculture, Real estate, Politics, Social service, Transport, Psychologist, Finance
The native can be hostile on occasion. The individual will demonstrate aggressive outbursts if things do not go their way. The indigenous will also possess a strong sense of justice. He will be the head of the family and have a domineering personality. The native will exhibit selfishness and hypocritical behavior as well as other negative traits. When discussing family, the locals will have a kind but pragmatic attitude toward their loved ones. The native will also be known for having strong emotions. Additionally, the native will have trouble trusting others and will feel most at ease and at their best when left alone; as a result, they will value their own company over that of others.
The Native will get along well with his family, but in his latter years he will become distant from them. The aggressive actions of the native could be the cause of this. He'll get along well with his friends, on the other hand. He will carefully select his pals, and they will serve as both his haven from the outside world and his staunchest defenders. The Native will also benefit much from his relationships with his relatives and is likely to inherit money and other assets from them. The natives of the Pushya Nakshatra will get along well with their spouses.
Her diet and general health will be of the utmost significance to the individual. She is endowed with both a charming personality and good looks. She also has a sweet voice and respects traditional morals and beliefs. One of them is to respect her elders. She may be cheerful and charming, yet she has a good probability of being mistreated by her peers.
Despite how successful her job is, her family and personal life will not be smooth. The individual will have a difficult time with her relatives. The problems will also persist for the rest of her life. She puts her job before her family, which is primarily to blame. Pushya Nakshatra The experience of getting married as a woman will involve ups and downs. All she wants is a compatible companion, but her hesitation to stand up for herself and her inability to explain herself will prevent her from finding the guy of her dreams. Additionally, the female of the Pushya nakshatra would argue with her spouse frequently because he will think she is cheating on him with someone from her line of employment.
Compatible with people born in Rohini Nakshatra, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, Anuradha, Hasta, Shravana, Magha and Uttarashada Nakshatra.
The natives' professional prospects are bright. Although success is assured, it will come too late. The Native will put in a lot of extra effort in the early stages of their job because they want to show themselves. The native will fail because they are unable to handle the pressure. He will so have difficulties in his early years. However, they will improve progressively and eventually reach their objective. Money too accompanies success for such natives. As a result, Pushya Nakshatra people should expect a fruitful and prosperous career.
1st Pada (Leo): Kind, Charitable, Attractive, Will get support from parents
2nd Pada (Virgo): Caring, Sensitive, Analytical, Magnetic
3rd Pada (Libra): Spontaneous, Peaceful, Love comfort, Give importance to their looks
4th Pada (Scorpio): Outgoing, Assertive, Dominating, Face struggles in Career
Venus: Venus's position in this nakshatra tends to make people quite unselfish in their displays of affection. Additionally, the people turn out to be quite emotional by nature.
Jupiter: Jupiter's location in their nakshatra tends to make people more compassionate by nature. Additionally, the people turn out to be incredibly lucky and kind.
Rahu: Rahu in Pushya nakshatra tends to make a person more focused on their family. However, this may result in the person struggling in their profession to maintain the happiness of their family.
Mars: A person with Mars in Pushya nakshatra is likely to be rather hostile by temperament. In addition, the person reveals themselves to be diplomatic as well as unyielding.
Sun: An individual who has the Sun in this nakshatra is likely to be a powerful character. Additionally, the persons are also exceedingly wealthy in their later years.
Moon: Anyone who has the Moon in Pushya nakshatra is considered to be intelligent. Additionally, such people are superb speakers and very good communicators.
Mercury: An individual who has Mercury in this nakshatra is likely to be very intelligent. Additionally, such people are often intelligent people.
Saturn: People born under the influence of Saturn in this nakshatra are often quite law-abiding. They also have a tendency to be very organized in all they do.
Ketu: Might cause someone to experience rejection and resentment from their relatives. Additionally, the individual won't be able to experience maternal love or tenderness in their daily lives.
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