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tarot cards
tarot cards
the hermit tarot card
the hermit tarot card

The Hermit: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


Possessing the wisdom of a seasoned mentor.

Demonstrating wisdom that exceeds your age.

Desiring moments of solitude.

Guiding and inspiring others.

Having a unique connection with animals.

Engaging in thoughtful reflection.


Feeling Lonely.

Excessive worry or suspicion.

Lack of wisdom or sensible judgment.


The Hermit's stance, robe, and hood symbolize deep contemplation. The mountains represent achievements and personal growth, signifying that wisdom is attained through dedicated pursuit of higher truths. The lantern holds a six-pointed star, known as the Seal of Solomon. It symbolizes the ability to communicate with animals and command demons. It also signifies alignment with one's true spiritual path, with the Hermit illuminating the way for others. The staff embodies authority and wisdom of esteemed elders. In the Hermit's left hand, it represents the power of the subconscious mind. The snow backdrop reflects the introverted nature of the Hermit, emphasizing the importance of inner reflection, wisdom, and meditation. The gray cloak signifies the eternal nature of the soul.


The number 9, associated with the Hermit, holds high significance in numerology, denoting an old soul and a humanitarian. The Hermit is astrologically linked to Virgo, ruled by Mercury, which governs objective thinking, language, learning, and various forms of communication and transportation. Psychologically, the Hermit suggests heightened sensitivity and a desire to prove one's worth through service and diligence.

Upright The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning:

The Hermit tarot card signifies moments of solitude, self-reflection, and a quest for spiritual enlightenment. It emphasizes that the solutions we seek lie within us already. Others will be naturally drawn to seek your counsel, viewing you as a source of wisdom. Additionally, the Hermit card can symbolize the role of a teacher, either imparting knowledge to others or being receptive to learning oneself. Through sharing your insights and guidance, you are illuminating the path. The Hermit emphasizes that you are your most valuable mentor. With a calm mind, you can attune to divine guidance. This skill requires regular practice, often achieved through solitary meditation. While you serve as a guiding light for someone else, it's equally important to allocate time for self-reflection, gather your thoughts, and recenter. Remember, you can't be everything to everyone. It's crucial to make time for your own well-being.

In A Love Reading:

In matters of love, the presence of the Hermit tarot card suggests a profound and soulful connection that gradually evolves. This connection typically stems from a foundation of friendship that has been nurtured over time before blossoming into something more.


In a career context, the Hermit tarot card may indicate professions related to education, writing, publishing, and mentorship. Occasionally, it can also point towards a career as an antique dealer.

Yes or No in Tarot:

The Hermit tarot card suggests a "no" for now. It implies that there's a crucial realization you're meant to grasp in your current situation before a new phase can unfold. The key lies within you. To transform your reality, start by initiating change within yourself, from the core.


The Hermit card may indicate that the Seeker is grappling with lingering heartbreak, finding it challenging to release. They might believe that true understanding is hard to come by, leading them to choose solitude. They may prioritize friendships over romantic entanglements. If you're curious about someone's feelings towards you, the Hermit suggests this individual tends to conceal their emotions. They often feel unable to confide their deepest sentiments and tend to retreat into their thoughts, experiencing a sense of isolation. They are cautious about causing any disruptions in personal relationships, as they want to avoid feeling exposed or vulnerable.

Upright The Hermit Tarot Card Personality Traits:

The Hermit, when embodied in a person, reflects a deep sense of introspection and profound self-awareness. This trait is strongly associated with their astrological alignment with Virgo. However, it's worth noting that this self-awareness can sometimes lead them to be overly self-critical. Their energy leans towards the receptive and inward-focused, influenced by the feminine aspect of Virgo. While we all possess a balance of these energies, the Hermit's identity is notably shaped by these characteristics. It's important to recognize that they may not readily reveal this aspect of themselves, whether in the early stages of a relationship or to others in general. In terms of physical attributes, the Hermit-person exudes a quiet presence, both in demeanor and expression. Their style tends towards clean-cut, favoring neutral tones and simple lines. Practicality and minimalism play a significant role in their attire. Given Virgo's emphasis on everyday practicality, comfort and flexibility are key considerations for them. They tend to adopt a straightforward, uncomplicated personal style, and while fashion isn't their top priority, they maintain a consistent and understated look. In their lifestyle, health-conscious choices prevail, often gravitating towards solo sports or workouts that allow for solitary contemplation, such as squash, yoga, or golf. On an emotional level, the Hermit-person is marked by a heightened level of self-awareness and a tendency towards self-critique. They have a proclivity for giving a substantial part of themselves to others, which can be draining, particularly if they possess empathic tendencies. Frequently, they display a spiritual inclination, perpetually seeking answers and learning to trust their own intuition.

Regarding career paths, the Hermit-person excels in fields that demand meticulous attention to detail and introspection. They may find fulfillment in 6th House-related domains like healthcare or overseeing day-to-day operations in a workplace. Additionally, roles involving pets or animal care might resonate with them. Their precision and capacity to notice details that others might overlook position them well in professions like accounting, auditing, or editing. They tend to thrive in environments where they can work independently from home, displaying commendable self-discipline. However, they may grapple with perfectionism and occasional tendencies towards procrastination. As a friend, the Hermit-person may not always be the most socially inclined or outwardly expressive. Yet, they stand out as an exceptional and dependable companion. While they may not readily agree to social outings, they consistently offer support when it truly counts. They are a source of sage advice, with a commitment to empowering you to trust your own judgment and intuition. This is a friend who guides you in learning how to rely on yourself, recognizing that deep down, you possess the wisdom to discern what's best for you.

Reversed The Hermit Tarot Card:

When the Hermit tarot card appears in reverse, it signifies a sense of seclusion and heightened paranoia. Rather than offering insight, this position suggests a distorted and potentially malevolent aspect within the individual. Loneliness intensifies, and there may be a growing detachment from reality due to prolonged periods of solitude. The lantern symbolically fails to illuminate, leaving the person engulfed in worries and darkness. They may even gravitate towards obscurity out of a fear of confronting the light. Issues with concentration, memory lapses, and cognitive abilities could arise. Additionally, there's a notable absence of guidance and wisdom, leading to decisions that are imprudent and lacking in maturity.

Reversed The Hermit Tarot Card as Personality:

When the reversed Hermit tarot card appears in a person, it indicates a tendency to be closed off to the viewpoints, ideas, and wisdom of others. They may deceive themselves into thinking they always possess the best answers. Alternatively, this card suggests an individual who struggles to trust their own instincts and constantly seeks external validation. As a Major Arcana card, these traits are integral to their identity, which, like anyone's, can evolve over time. In terms of physical characteristics, the reversed Hermit as a person may exhibit signs of poor hygiene. This could stem from a lack of self-awareness or potentially covert narcissism. They might hold the belief that their appearance doesn't matter, as they are inherently valued and loved. They may not recognize that presenting oneself well is also a sign of respect towards others. Conversely, this person might be quite stringent about cleanliness and hygiene, potentially criticizing others for not meeting their standards. Emotionally, the reversed Hermit person may isolate themselves due to a sense of superiority, thinking they are too refined for the world. This seclusion could be rooted in intellectual arrogance, leading them to create their own isolated realm of elevated thinking. They may struggle to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds and hold elitist views. On the other hand, their seclusion might stem from genuine psychological or medical issues, such as agoraphobia. In such cases, offering compassion and support is crucial.

In terms of career, the reversed Hermit can indicate a profession involving details or fields associated with the 6th House. They may oversee administrative or daily operations, engage in roles like editing, accounting, or work with animals. However, in this reversed position, their energies may manifest in extreme negative polarities. They could be excessively self-critical to the point of inaction, or they might redirect their frustrations onto others, projecting their insecurities onto colleagues. It's important for them to recognize that completing tasks in a timely manner holds greater significance than achieving perfection. The reversed Hermit person may give off an impression of imposing "thought crimes" or exhibit tendencies akin to a cult leader, akin to the reversed Hierophant. They have a propensity to desire being the most knowledgeable person in any given setting and may not foster an environment that encourages independent thought. They might rely on others for validation to boost their own ego, potentially becoming overly dependent on others' opinions. This could lead to emotional exhaustion for those around them, as they might not consider the impact of their demands on others' time.