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tarot cards
wheel of fortune tarot card
wheel of fortune tarot card

Wheel Of Fortune: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


Embracing your destined path.

Embracing change and newfound freedom.

Elevating your status and position.

Favorable shifts and positive transformations.

Surprising twists and unforeseen developments.

Experiencing profound bonds with individuals and locations.

Uncovering your true calling and mission.

Advancement in your career or role.


Moving in reverse.

Stagnation or lack of advancement.

Unfortunate circumstances.


The Wheel represents the continuous cycle of the soul's existence and its ever-changing nature. The four-winged creatures are reminiscent of the ones mentioned in the Book of Revelation. The book they hold signifies revelation and the potential for creating a new reality. At the apex of the wheel, the god Anubis ascends. As the god of death, Anubis is a symbol of transformation and fresh beginnings. The descending snake on the left echoes the imagery of the serpent in the garden, representing temptation and the need to overcome challenges. The Sphinx positioned at the pinnacle of the wheel embodies life's enigmatic nature. Many interpret the Tarot as a journey (wheel) through the Torah, the five books of Moses.


The Wheel of Fortune is under the influence of Jupiter, often referred to as the planet of abundance and good luck. Jupiter's energy is associated with expanding opportunities within the areas of life it influences. This planet governs matters of wealth and material prosperity. It encourages individuals to set ambitious goals, think broadly, and fosters a sense of optimism and vision. Jupiter's influence may prompt a desire for higher education, introspection, and a penchant for long-distance travel. It takes approximately 12 years for Jupiter to complete its orbit around the Zodiac.

Upright Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning:

The Wheel of Fortune in tarot signifies a profound sense of destiny and divine orchestration in your life. It suggests that the people and events that surround you are part of a larger, preordained plan. This card emphasizes that things unfold as they are meant to, guided by divine timing and intervention. When the Wheel of Fortune appears, there is often a significant soul connection between you and those in your life. It encourages you to release some control and trust in the natural flow of life. The card reassures you that you are an integral part of a greater cosmic design, a wheel of universal consciousness. Even in moments of feeling adrift or isolated, remember that there is a grand purpose guiding you. You are always connected and protected. Have faith in life, for the best is yet to come.

In A Love Reading:

In matters of love, the appearance of the Wheel of Fortune in a tarot reading often points to encountering your soul mate unexpectedly. In existing relationships, this card signifies a profound sense of destiny and a deep connection between partners.


Regarding career inquiries, the Wheel of Fortune frequently indicates an upcoming promotion. Additionally, it suggests that the Seeker is aligned with their true calling. This card may also point towards professions related to publishing, brand development, and copywriting.

Yes or No in Tarot:

This card signifies that circumstances are likely to work out in your favor. This suggests a probable affirmative outcome, but it's contingent on it aligning with your highest and best interests.


The presence of the Wheel of Fortune suggests a heightened sense of optimism and a touch of competitiveness. In a romantic context, there may be a sense of urgency to make significant decisions. This card also indicates that love has the potential to flourish when the couple embarks on various adventures and joint business ventures. If you're curious about someone's feelings towards you, the Wheel of Fortune suggests that they might relish the excitement and challenge that comes with the relationship. This could be particularly true if there are other potential love interests in the picture, adding an element of competition to the dynamic.

Upright Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Personality Traits:

If the Wheel of Fortune appears as a person, it signifies an individual with a carefree and optimistic outlook on life. Associated with the lively and cheerful energy of Jupiter, they embody a sense of adventure and open-mindedness. While they may not always showcase this side of themselves initially, it's an integral aspect of their identity. Physically, they have a distinctive and eclectic style, influenced by various zodiac signs, blending elements of Leo's flamboyance, Taurus' appreciation for luxury, Scorpio's air of mystery, and Aquarius' unique approach. Their fashion sense reflects their "You Only Live Once" philosophy, embodying a zest for life. Emotionally, this person carries a sense of luck or privilege, whether born into it or learned through life lessons. They understand the impermanence of material things and may have had significant experiences that taught them not to be overly attached to outcomes. Their convictions are steadfast, showcasing the strength often associated with fixed signs.

In their career, they may navigate uncertainty and volatility, possibly working in financial advisory roles or engaging in speculative investments. This individual may have started their career with a stroke of luck, but they understand that fortunes can change. Their experiences have endowed them with a wisdom beyond their years. Travel might be a significant aspect of their work due to the influence of Jupiter's adventurous energy. Interacting with them, you might feel as if they bring positive change and serendipity into your life. They could have appeared at a crucial moment, leaving you with a sense of destiny or fate. While they may bring an element of unpredictability, it's more in an exciting and entertaining manner rather than a cause for concern. Their moods tend to be steady, and they have a penchant for injecting humor into situations.

Reversed Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card:

The reversed Wheel of Fortune suggests a period of unfortunate events and a lack of progress. Instead of moving upward and onward, it feels like you're stuck at the bottom, experiencing stagnation. The wheel may even appear to be completely still, preventing the much-needed change from occurring. In this reversed position, it may signify a situation where what should have been a stroke of good luck turns into a series of unfortunate events. For instance, receiving a long-awaited promotion might lead to a challenging and difficult work environment. It's a warning that seemingly favorable outcomes may not be as they appear, urging caution and discernment. Trust in luck may not be advisable at this time.

Reversed Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card as Personality:

When represented as a person, the reversed Wheel of Fortune embodies an individual who has faced significant challenges but hasn't gleaned any insights from these difficult experiences. They may be reluctant to engage in introspection, possibly convinced of their infallibility or viewing themselves as perennial victims. This person might exhibit a fatalistic outlook on life, feeling that circumstances are beyond their control. As a Major Arcana card, these characteristics are integral to their identity, though it's important to remember that personal growth is always possible. Physically, this person may come across as modest and unassuming. They could struggle with shyness and harbor low self-esteem. Their authentic self may be concealed out of fear of judgment, possibly stemming from past negative encounters. They might appear unkempt due to mental health challenges or excessive workloads. Emotionally, the reversed Wheel of Fortune person often evades taking accountability for the events in their life. They may engage in extensive intention-setting and vision boarding, yet fail to follow through with tangible actions. Instead, they attribute everything to external factors, avoiding personal responsibility. In some cases, they may resort to exaggeration or even fabricate hardships in search of sympathy.

In terms of careers, this individual may work in fields similar to those associated with the upright Wheel of Fortune. However, their performance may not align with the challenges presented. While the upright version thrives in fluctuating circumstances, viewing market uncertainty as a puzzle to decipher and conquer, the reversed counterpart tends to complain and cast blame. They seek ease and may expect success to effortlessly come their way. Their approach may be marked by entitlement and an unwillingness to confront challenging career paths. Interacting with a person represented by the reversed Wheel of Fortune may evoke feelings of ill fortune or even guilt. Encountering them might prompt reflections on past wrongs or provide an opportunity to empathize with others. Acknowledging past missteps and striving for a more positive future can be transformative in such situations. In romantic involvement, this person could hold the role of a karmic partner, offering lessons and opportunities for growth.