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tarot cards
tarot cards
The Hanged Man Tarot Card
The Hanged Man Tarot Card

The Hanged Man: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


Releasing the need for control.

Embracing a fresh outlook on life.

Relinquishing a stance for the sake of tranquility.

Taking a moment for introspection.

Expressing gratitude.

Prioritizing collective well-being over personal gain.

Anticipating a more favorable moment to act.



Resistance to change.

Overlooking a chance.


The Hanged Man card embodies the symbolism of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an occult-focused organization. The gallows he hangs from is representative of the Cross of Tau, which encompasses the crucifixion symbolism, including Christ's sacrifices. It also signifies the world tree, drawing parallels to Odin's quest for wisdom by hanging from the world tree. The halo encircling his head denotes spiritual enlightenment and holiness. It carries the essence of the sun, representing illumination. His red trousers symbolize passion, while the blue coat embodies knowledge. The yellow shoes signify idealism. The man's folded hands behind his back signify a period of non-action, suggesting a time of waiting and contemplation. His suspended state implies a pause in life, allowing for a fresh perspective. Despite relinquishing his position, his countenance reflects a willing sacrifice in pursuit of his ultimate goal. His serene expression underlines his exercise of free will.


The influence of Neptune, the ruling planet of The Hanged Man, is associated with the water element. Neptune's domain extends to various substances, encompassing both legal and illegal drugs. Additionally, Neptune is linked to phenomena like fogs, gases, sleep-related disorders, hypnosis, and asphyxiation. When favorably positioned, Neptune signifies individuals with psychic abilities, as well as those inclined towards idealism, writing, magic, art, and music. It is the planet that sparks inspiration. Neptune encourages purification and calls for personal sacrifices for the greater good or for the love shared among individuals. Visual modes of communication, including photography, film, dance, and painting, fall under Neptune's realm.

However, when Neptune's influence is less harmonious, it may lead to struggles with reality, potentially indicating that something is being overlooked or concealed. This could manifest as issues related to memory, mental instability, delusions, or nervous breakdowns. Furthermore, Neptune's domain extends to conditions like psychopathy, antisocial behavior, and sociopathy. The association with the sea underscores Neptune's affinity with the water element. On a psychological level, Neptune fosters a desire to transcend reality and attain a state of heavenly bliss. Yet, when adversely influenced, this inclination may result in a sense of vagueness, inconsistency, and confusion.

Upright The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning:

The Hanged Man tarot card symbolizes a temporary state of suspension. It represents a moment where life seems to be on pause, but this pause serves a significant purpose. During this suspended period, you gain a fresh and invaluable perspective. This new outlook is crucial for obtaining the understanding and enlightenment needed to progress to the next phase of your journey. If you were to find yourself in a hanging situation, your thoughts would likely be flooded with profound realizations. The Hanged Man signifies the kind of profound clarity that emerges just before a major transformation or upheaval. In this state, you would suddenly grasp the true significance of things, recognizing the depth of your love for the people in your life and your appreciation for life itself. The Hanged Man encourages you to contemplate what holds genuine importance to you, without necessitating a near-death experience. Through this temporary inactivity and observance, as you perceive things from a new perspective, a spiritual aspect of yourself will emerge, accompanied by a heightened desire for spiritual knowledge. Unlike seeking grounding and balance by placing feet on the ground, the Hanged Man finds it by turning his head toward the ground, attentively listening to the wisdom that life imparts.

In A Love Reading:

In matters of love, The Hanged Man Tarot card suggests the need to take a step back in your relationship. You'll find that you can accomplish more by exerting less effort. If you've been deeply involved in your relationship, The Hanged Man advises you to redirect some of that focus towards your own personal growth. Interestingly, your partner is likely to become more attentive when you stop actively seeking their attention. For those who are currently unattached, The Hanged Man signifies the potential for attracting love by embracing and cherishing your single life.


The Hanged Man tarot card suggests that careers in pharmaceuticals, psychology, and innovation may be particularly relevant. It also hints at a desire for greater job fulfillment, though it advises against making significant changes at this moment. Additionally, it can indicate the potential for remote work arrangements.

Yes or No in Tarot:

The Hanged Man signifies a period of deceleration and prompts you to pause and gain a broader perspective on your current circumstances. When used for a yes or no question, this card leans towards a "No" or at least suggests a delay. It's important to note that a more favorable alternative may emerge in due course.


The Hanged Man represents a sense of being deeply inspired and invigorated in a way that's challenging for the individual to convey to others. This person often experiences a lack of understanding and occasional exclusion, yet they maintain a genuine enthusiasm for what they already possess. They recognize this as a temporary pause and await their opportune moment with patience. While they hold deep affections, they aren't yet prepared to take action on their emotions. Instead, they are in a phase of careful observation. If you're inquiring about how someone feels about you, The Hanged Man may indicate that this person has withdrawn a bit and seems somewhat distant. They're redirecting their focus towards other matters at the present moment. They seek tranquility and introspection, desiring some quietude in their life for self-reflection. It's important to note that they're not going anywhere; they are simply engaged in deep contemplation and introspection.

Upright The Hanged Man Tarot Card Personality Traits:

When the Hanged Man represents a person in a Tarot spread, it signifies someone with a patient and open-minded approach. Their perspective often diverges from the norm, which is relative to the person seeking insight. Linked astrologically to Neptune (Piscean energy), this individual embodies a receptive and passive demeanor. While we all embody aspects of both energies, this card holds significant influence over their identity. They may often take on the role of Devil's Advocate, although they might not always reveal this facet of themselves. Physically, the Hanged Man as a person embodies a dreamy and eccentric demeanor. They tend to have an artistic inclination, characterized by a simplicity in their style that captures attention from a unique angle. Unafraid of embracing individuality, they may have a penchant for distinctive footwear or exude a relaxed "barefoot vibe." Yoga might be a favored form of exercise. Emotionally, this person is characterized by their selflessness and composure. Similar to the Hermit in some ways, they know when to pause and reflect, and when to speak up. They are remarkably accommodating and willing to sacrifice their own needs for the greater good, especially when they align with a cause or person they hold in high regard. Their generosity and willingness to help others may extend to the point of giving away their last resources.

In terms of careers, the Hanged Man individual might excel in fields related to illusions, fantasies, or providing alternative perspectives. They may find their niche in 12th House-related professions, such as working in mental health, rehab facilities, prisons, or within religious institutions. Their creative side may shine through as writers, actors, directors, photographers, or visual artists. They might also find their voice through social media, challenging conventional viewpoints. While their impact may not always be immediately recognized, their unique perspective can be groundbreaking. Interacting with a person embodying the Hanged Man energy can induce a sense of calm and contemplation. They foster a comfortable and peaceful atmosphere, even when offering a new viewpoint. Their sense of humor, often characterized by an almost whimsical, "Mad Hatter" style, might gently guide you towards a different way of thinking. If they extend a gesture of sacrifice, they do so in a manner that minimizes any sense of guilt on your part.

Reversed The Hanged Man Tarot Card:

When the Hanged Man tarot card appears in reverse, it suggests a sense of obstinacy and self-centeredness. There's a reluctance to relinquish one's viewpoint in order to gain fresh perspectives. This reversed card indicates an individual who feels disconnected from the world and struggles to effectively convey their opinions and outlook to others. In this reversed position, the absence of sacrifice and a resistance to embracing new insights leads to an inability for the Seeker to achieve their desired outcomes. They are unwilling to endure discomfort, resulting in a lack of progress or growth.

Reversed The Hanged Man Tarot Card as Personality:

When the Hanged Man appears in reverse as a person in a Tarot spread, it signifies someone who is exceptionally resistant to change. This can manifest in various ways, such as stubbornness or a pronounced passivity, making it challenging to motivate them, even to leave their home. As a Major Arcana card, these traits form a significant part of their identity, but it's important to remember that people have the capacity for change if they choose to. Physically, an individual embodying the reversed Hanged Man is characterized by a notable lack of movement or an unusually passive disposition. They may lead a sedentary lifestyle, with minimal exercise and flexibility. Their presence in social settings might be infrequent, and they may display procrastination tendencies stemming from a perfectionist mindset.  Emotionally, this person displays inflexibility in their thoughts, emotions, and overall demeanor. Their stubbornness can be extreme, even to the point of dismissing factual evidence or alternate viewpoints. This rigidity can lead to a susceptibility to extremism and fanaticism, as well as an inclination towards selfishness and an unwillingness to consider others' perspectives. They may prefer to dwell in their own constructed illusions rather than confront reality.

In terms of careers, the reversed Hanged Man can represent an individual who tends to avoid work or rationalizes their aversion to it with supposed spiritual reasons. Alternatively, it may embody the shadow side of Pisces, potentially leading to involvement in deceptive or illicit activities for personal gain. This could include art theft, forgery, or even outright fraud. They may adopt a fraudulent persona, akin to a social media "influencer" with fabricated followers, exploiting companies for freebies. Additionally, this energy can align with cult leaders who manipulate followers for financial gain. Interacting with a person embodying the reversed Hanged Man energy can evoke restlessness and a subtle sense of unease. Despite their minimal verbal and physical activity, there's an underlying feeling that something might be concealed or distorted about them. This individual seeks to maintain a specific narrative or perspective, potentially to keep you from realizing certain truths, particularly if you are romantically involved with them. It's crucial to approach such interactions with discernment and a critical eye.