AstroScoops: Unlock the Secrets of the Cosmos

tarot cards
tarot cards
death tarot card
death tarot card

Death: Tarot Card

(Meaning & Interpretation)


Moving on from one phase to the next.

Turning the page on a chapter of your life.

Leaving behind what's gone before.

Confronting your fears and uncertainties.

Rejuvenation following a period of change.

Recognizing the reality of a circumstance.

Pioneering a fresh start in your life.


Experiencing mistreatment and dependencies.

Suppressed mourning.

Finding it hard to progress.


The figure in black armor riding a white horse embodies the Revelation imagery. None, be it king, bishop, woman, or child, can escape his grasp. The skeleton personifies the reaper, a symbol of death. Death signifies various forms of conclusions. The dark flag adorned with the Mystic Rose represents Mary, who embodies the vessels of God’s earthly manifestations of energy. This suggests a renewal and revival in different aspects. The bishop embodies unwavering faith in the face of mortality. The young woman symbolizes the process of mourning and the release of sorrow during times of closure. The emerging sun signals a fresh start, a new dawn. The columns before the sun signify the qualities acquired through the process of regeneration. The boat stands for the souls that transition into the afterlife. Death, represented by the number 13, corresponds to the number of moons in a year, denoting cycles, conclusions, and beginnings. In the Zodiac, Death is under the influence of Scorpio.


The Death tarot card is linked to Scorpio, which is ruled by Pluto. Pluto is recognized as the planet associated with transformation, renewal, and rebirth, carrying intense energies capable of profoundly impacting our lives. These energies have the potential to initiate significant shifts, leading to a new chapter marked by fresh perspectives and aspirations. While Pluto's influence may initially seem disruptive, when harnessed positively, it fosters the crucial changes necessary for our spiritual growth and provides us with a clearer understanding of reality. However, if negatively aligned, it may signal instances of power misuse, addictive tendencies, aggression, and unforeseen events that may challenge us to cope effectively.

Upright Death Tarot Card Meaning:

The Death tarot card signifies transformation, closure, and fresh beginnings. Its appearance suggests that a significant shift is underway, signaling that the familiar will no longer suffice. You've evolved beyond a previous version of yourself, and it's time to welcome the new. This transformation is a response to the evolving circumstances in your life; you're adapting and growing. The Death card indicates the arrival of novel experiences, people, environments, work, and belief systems. It advises you to release a part of yourself with confidence. Like a flame in constant flux, you're in a state of perpetual change, evolving throughout your life. Shedding old habits and routines may be necessary for your rebirth as an improved version of yourself. You might not even realize the extent of your transformation until it suddenly becomes apparent, prompting you to take the essential steps towards crafting an entirely fresh life for yourself.

In A Love Reading:

In love readings, the Death tarot card frequently indicates that the Seeker may have lost a sense of self within the relationship. This could be a result of rushing into the partnership prematurely and now experiencing doubts. For individuals who are currently unattached, the appearance of the Death card suggests that they may soon enter into a romantic relationship.


In career readings, the Death tarot card signifies professions related to law enforcement, such as the police or military. Additionally, it points to responsibilities involving taxation and overseeing others' finances. The appearance of the Death card also indicates that the Seeker is on the verge of a significant career transition.

Yes or No in Tarot:

The Death tarot card signifies significant disparities or mismatches in relationships and circumstances. It strongly suggests a probable negative outcome or a "No" in the situation at hand.


The Death tarot card suggests that long-suppressed emotions are resurfacing, potentially becoming overpowering for the Seeker. These feelings may have been deeply buried, and now they are emerging into the forefront. It's highly probable that these emotions are linked to unresolved issues from the Seeker's childhood. Additionally, the Seeker may be experiencing a strong urge to break free from their usual routine and explore entirely new avenues. In terms of how someone feels about you, the Death card indicates that this person is likely not yet ready to fully express their emotions. They may have something on their mind that they need to address before they can open up to you emotionally.

Upright Death Tarot Card Personality Traits:

If Death manifests as a person in a Tarot reading, it signifies an individual characterized by an enigmatic and often misunderstood nature. Astrologically linked to the intense sign of Scorpio, which holds a certain mystique, this person embodies assertive and active energies. Regardless of gender identity, we all possess a blend of both masculine and feminine energies, and for this individual, a significant part of their identity is shaped by their intensity. This quality plays a prominent role in their self-perception and how they present themselves, although they may not readily reveal this facet to others, especially in initial stages of a relationship. In terms of physical attributes, a person embodying the Death card exudes an aura of mystery or "darkness". This card encompasses themes of death, rebirth, and transformation, symbolizing the journey from obscurity to illumination and the cyclical nature of consciousness. While they may embrace a gothic or eclectic witchy style, they might also eschew fashion trends altogether, opting for a style that rejects conventional norms. This person is inclined to go through phases of reinvention and self-discovery.

Emotionally, this individual is characterized by intensity, often emanating an intimidating presence. Their nature is one of constant evolution, and someone who knew them in their earlier years may find them drastically changed in unforeseen ways. The influence of the Death card, associated with the assertive Mars governing the feminine Scorpio, suggests a fusion of masculine and feminine energies. This person may exude sensuality and allure while also projecting an air of potential danger. Their interests might gravitate towards themes of death, the afterlife, and the esoteric. With Scorpio's domain extending to shared finances, they might have a complex relationship with wealth, ranging from aversion to affinity, or a mix of both. In terms of career, the Death card may represent someone engaged in roles that facilitate transformation during pivotal life stages. This could involve working in proximity to situations of birth, death, or profound personal evolution. Such roles may encompass professions like doula, nursing home caregiver, crime scene investigator, forensic scientist, or a healthcare professional specializing in fertility. Additionally, due to Scorpio's association with shared finances, this person might find fulfillment in occupations related to investments, insurance, or government assistance.

On a personal level, encountering an individual embodying the essence of the Death card can be transformative and reinvigorating. Whether through a shared experience or a deep connection, being in their presence can evoke a sense of rebirth and evolution. They may leave a lasting impact, having contributed to your growth, broadened your perspective, or fostered a newfound acceptance of yourself. In certain instances, shared trauma or healing experiences may solidify the bond, making them a significant and memorable presence in your life. Their journey may have endowed them with a unique sense of humor, often tinged with dark undertones stemming from their life experiences.

Reversed Death Tarot Card:

When the Death tarot card appears in reverse, it signifies a situation where a natural conclusion or closure is being impeded for some unexplained reason. This state of prolonged stagnation is undesirable, as it signifies a state of neither true closure nor genuine progression. There seems to be a reluctance to let go, often attributed to unresolved grief. The seeker may find it challenging to confront the emotional pain associated with loss, effectively keeping them stuck in a metaphorical tunnel, preventing the process of rebirth from taking place. In more severe cases, this card in reverse may point to a callous attitude towards someone's passing, indicating a lack of empathy, support, and compassion for those who are mourning. Additionally, it might suggest a situation where the seeker narrowly escaped a life-threatening event or circumstance.

Reversed Death Tarot Card as Personality:

When the reversed Death tarot card appears as a person, it signifies an individual who seems to be stuck in a certain phase of their life, displaying a reluctance or inability to grow or mature. This person may exhibit patterns of behavior reminiscent of their past, often failing to evolve beyond negative experiences. It's akin to encountering a former schoolmate who continues to engage in the same hurtful behavior even after many years have passed. The astrological association with Scorpio, when reversed, tends to manifest as a tendency to hold onto grudges, ruminate on the past, and resist embracing positive change. In their interactions, they may display a lack of empathy, frequently revisiting past grievances or using them against others. This person also tends to be overly persistent, sometimes overstaying their welcome or engaging in habits that are detrimental to their well-being. Their approach to sensitive situations or roles, such as those related to loss or shared finances, may lack the requisite sensitivity and consideration. Overall, encountering this person may feel like being caught in a cycle with them, and disentangling from their influence or presence can prove to be challenging.